Page 9 of After Hours

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Cain opens his mouth to say something when someone barrels in the door behind me, and I spin around to find Perry. Oh, so bursting through doors is a speciality of his. “Hi, sorry to bother you,” he looks at his friend, then double-takes, “Lauren?” he says, shocked.

“Hello, Perry.” I smile and lift my chin.

“Wow.” He walks over and pulls me in for a quick and unexpected hug. “How are you?”

“Black eyes and a mountain head won’t stop me.” I laugh, and his face blanches.

“Fuck, black eyes. I’m so sorry.” He dips to look at my face, and I grin, touching my nose. He looks up from when he has bent down and offers me an apologetic look. “I really am sorry.”

“Honestly, it’s fine. These things happen,” I tell him brightly. I do forgive him. He is hard not to like.

“Are you two quite finished?” Cain snaps.

Perry rolls his eyes and looks at me. “I don’t know, are we?” he asks playfully. I really want to laugh, but I shake my head at him instead.

“If I’m honest, I do need to go. I have an interview in forty minutes, and I want to make sure I’m there in time,” I clip, checking the small watch on my wrist.

“Already?” Perry blurts, surprised.

“Yes,” I snap, affronted. “Despite the little hiccup yesterday, I have a glowing resume,” I tell him with a bite in my tone. Nausea ripples in my stomach, and I press my hand to my navel, hoping to quell the sensation, suddenly feeling dizzy again.

“I was just surprised. I know you do,” he responds softly.

“That’s why I called you up here,” Cain interrupts, and I turn, swallowing a smug smile. I’m not one to gloat, but I can tell by the tension in his shoulders that he isn’t used to sucking his pride up and admitting when he is in the wrong. Perry moves farther into the room, and Cain lifts what I presume is my resume. His eyes flit between that and me. I refuse to shift under his gaze and square my jaw, meeting him head-on. I don’t speak but simply wait for him to address the huge elephant in the room—his shitty attitude.

After a beat, he still says nothing, and I almost turn and walk out, but he lays the paper out flat and frowns at me. “I may have been too harsh yesterday.” I offer a smile out of politeness but don’t acknowledge him verbally. “You can keep your job.” Perry groans lightly behind me.

Is that it?

Not even a ‘please accept my apology’. Nothing. I lift my brow, thoroughly disappointed. I absolutely love working here, but I’m not sure I can work for him. With my interviews as added insurance, I find myself glaring at him. He can stuff his job!

“Mr Carson-Ivory,” I begin. Perry winces and drops his head, moving to pick up some files beside mine. “I take ownership of my own fault in yesterday’s incident.” I wasn’t looking where I was going. “However, when I was knocked to the ground,” I slant a look at Perry, and he presses his lips together, “you insulted me.” I don’t let him get a word in, but I can tell by the way he shifts his arms that he is about to stand up. I hold out my hand. “Don’t bother. I’m leaving. Although I appreciate the transport to the hospital, the manner in which you dealt with the matter was enough to put me off working for you. Keep your job and shove your attitude.” I smile insincerely, walk to the door, yank it open and step through, letting it bang shut. My body droops when all the tension I am holding falls away. Shit, I didn’t mean to add that last part. My cheeks burn.

“Fuck me. She is hot!” I hear Perry through the door. “Cain, she chewed you up, mate. Fuck, that dress wa—”

“Was her trying to be something she’s not,” Cain mutters darkly.

“I can hear you. Asshole!” I snap, outraged by his disgusting personality. I stomp down the hall, all too happy to get away from him. That arrogant, cold, miserable prick!

The door opens and closes behind me, and heavy, sure footsteps match mine. Someone’s coming after me, probably Perry, to try and make light of the situation again. He takes my wrist, and I turn around quickly to tell him to leave me alone when I come face to face with my boss. Dizziness washes over me, and I blink. “Lauren?” he whispers, concerned, before everything goes black.

* * *

I wake with a start and sit up, panicked. “Woah!” Perry laughs, pressing me back into the low sofa. I recognise the office. Cain’s. “You blacked out,” he tells me. What?

“Lauren, lay down,” Cain demands, hovering over me with a deep frown.

“Oh my god, my interview!” I cry, scrambling to look for my phone to check the time. With a quick tap, Perry is sent away, and Cain takes my hand in his much larger one and drops to a crouch in front of me.

“You’re going to miss it. The onsite doctor is on his way to check you over,” he says calmly.

I don’t feel calm. “No, I can still make it,” I argue, trying to stand, but I feel woozy again.

“Sit down!” Cain barks, and I jolt in the seat, blinking up at him even though he has dropped down to my level. “Forget the interview. I want you here.” I scowl at him, but he lifts his brow, and I sense he knows he has the upper hand and will use it to work in his favour. “You have a job here,” he repeats coolly.

“I think I should go home,” I reply, looking away.

He laughs sharply, and I sneak a look at Perry, who is grinning over at me from the other side of the office. I roll my eyes at him, and Cain grabs my chin, bringing my attention back to him. “No. You just fainted, Lauren. The doctor is coming to check you over. Please just stay seated,” he replies, losing patience.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic