Page 64 of After Hours

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“I won’t.” He steps out into the corridor, closing me in with a slight click of the door.

The silence is unexpectedly deafening, so much so that I smack my lips together and swing my arms, unsure what to do with myself now I’m in my new place. I ate with Cain, so I’m not hungry. Instead, I prepare my uniform, grab a shower in the wet room and crawl into bed, folding my quilt over me so I'm not lying directly on the mattress.

I don’t know whether it’s the new surroundings or the fact that I have spent over forty-eight hours wrapped around that man, but I am shocked by how utterly alone I suddenly feel. The unwelcome feeling stays with me until my eyes become droopy in the early hours.

* * *

Amberley is waiting eagerly for me as I arrive at the hotel. Her eyes are wide with apparent excitement. “Is that a limp I detect?” She laughs, dancing over to me and slinging an arm around my neck. “I’m sorry about the article. It was stupid.”

“It’s okay.” I shrug it off, embarrassed by how insecure it made me.

“Spill!” she pleads.

“I have so much to tell you.” I press my lips together to contain my excitement. I have so much news—from Cain to the apartment.

“Priorities first.” Her hands swing away, and she walks backwards, wiggling her brows. “Is he big?”

“Amberley!” I chide.

“Oh, come on. He is, isn't he?” I shake my head, and she links arms with me. “His penthouse is gorgeous.”

“I know. I also have a new apartment.” I’m quick to change the subject because I am trying to keep the sadness away. It’s been constant since he winked and walked away.

“He didn’t! Holy shit!” she exclaims as we enter through the back. She thinks Cain brought me an apartment.

“What? No,” I laugh. “I have mould. Well, not me, the flat,” I laugh. “I’ve been set up in a new apartment. It’s bigger and newly decorated.”

“Seriously?” She grins. “Can’t wait to see it.”

Unlocking my phone, I hand it over, and she begins thumbing through the pictures of my new place. She gives an appreciative whistle that has me leaning to see the photo, but I choke out an apology when I find it’s Cain in his workout shorts. I captured it in a moment of weakness when he wasn't looking.

“Don’t apologise.” She hums. “I can’t believe you’re fucking that. Lucky bitch.” She grins. I pull it away, hiding my screen as a few colleagues walk by. The staff room is quiet, with only one other person putting their bag away, a lady from housekeeping. She smiles as she leaves, and Amberley leans against the lockers. “So, when are you seeing him again?”

“I’m not,” I say quietly. I put my bag in my locker, and Amberley stares at me as if I have two heads and more eyes than a spider.

“Lauren, why the hell not?”

I shrug. “It’s what we agreed. One weekend. No-strings fun.” I don’t look her in the eye because I know my true feelings will show.

“You or him? He couldn’t keep his eyes off you.”

“It is what it is. I knew what I was getting into.” I smile softly. “He’s my boss,” I whisper.

“Are you okay?” Her voice lowers, and her hand rubs along my spine.

Nodding, I beam at her. “Of course. Honestly, I think you're more upset than I am.” I laugh, feigning indifference. I check my watch and lock my locker. “Come on. We’re due to start.” Amberley doesn’t say anything, and we walk in silence down the corridor to the foyer.

I was excited when I woke up this morning, keen to see Cain. I know we called it quits, but there is a small part of me that hopes when he sees me, he’ll think better of his decision to leave. I’ve never experienced this deep ache, even with Martin.

My past relationship felt more like an intimate friendship, and now I think of it, it only hurt because I couldn’t believe Kristy would do something like that. She never reached out after I left Martin—if anything, she secured herself to him more.

The deep rumble of Cain’s voice has my steps slowing. I look at my friend nervously, and she nods at me reassuringly. He’s standing, talking to Felicity at the main desk, and greets Amberley as she rounds the desk. He says a few words to them, and just as our eyes are about to meet, he looks away and begins tapping on his phone as he walks. Pain stabs at my chest. Embarrassment ripples across my face, and I stare at the ground as hot tears prick at my eyes.

He fucking blanked me.

Amberley rushes over. “Breathe,” she utters softly.

I quickly replay it in my head, trying to rationalise his behaviour. “He blanked me,” I whisper, my throat closing around the words.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic