Page 45 of After Hours

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“Oh.” Oh? Surely. I could have come up with something better than that, or at least some faintly sexual reply. What a lame twat. I blush, and Cain smirks.

“Any questions?” he wonders, bemused, tucking a large curl over my shoulder. I shake my head, completely enthralled by how good his mouth looks when he talks.

“What about your non-fraternisation policy?” I glance around, ensuring no one hears us.

“It’s outside of working hours.”

“I know but—”

“After hours, you're mine, Lauren. I think I've been more than patient.”

I scoff loudly, and he has the decency to grin. He nods me towards Amberley, who is watching with fascination.

I rush over to her and squeak something unintelligible.

“Again, but in English.” She laughs.

“I’m going to fuck our boss,” I tell her, having a complete brain-to-mouth malfunction, my face flaming beetroot red.

“Lucky bitch. What the hell did he say?” she whispers quickly as he comes back over with Perry at his side.

“Alien!” Perry calls and scoops me up in a hug, walking us towards a booth.

I slide in beside my friend, but Cain moves in next to me and pulls me onto his lap. The distinct bulge in his jeans sears my arse. My thighs clench, and he grunts, shifting, but it only adds to the growing pleasure raining down heavily in my womb. A few moments later, a waiter approaches with a tray of drinks and some water. I thank him and pick up an icy cocktail. It’s delicious.

“You look incredible, Lauren,” Cain whispers into my ear, and I shudder. Perry is smirking as he watches us, and I give him the finger around my drink.

“Now, now. Play nice!” He chuckles.

Hands slip around my waist and splay over my thighs, and I lean forward to put my drink down, not at all confident I will be able to keep it in my hand if he keeps touching me. “We’re having this one drink, then I’m taking you home with me.” Fingers trace the seam of my dress, their languid strokes spiking my temperature and sending a wave of electricity straight to my core.

“What about Amberley?”

“Perry will make sure she gets home safely.”

“I’m not sure your home is such a good idea.” It feels too personal. He’s my boss, after all. I shouldn’t be doing this full stop, but I can’t stop. Not now.

“With all due respect, your pull-out bed doesn’t really bode well for what I have in mind.”

“Which is?” I ask sheepishly.

“I want to do very bad things to you. Things an employer has no right doing to someone who works for him,” he murmurs and runs his chin along my neck—the rough scrape of his bristles makes me shiver with anticipation.

“Oh.” I squirm in his lap, and Cain grunts, holding me still.

“I have no issue with exhibitionism. However, if you do, I suggest you sit still.” I go ramrod. “Good girl.” I peek at my friend, but she is tapping away on her phone, and Perry is slouched back, staring out over the sea of people gyrating below. I take my time finishing my drink, but as soon as the last drop slips down my throat, Cain stands, and I gasp. “We’re going. Amberley, I would hope, given your job role, you can master the art of discretion.” She blinks at our linked hands and nods. “Perry will see you home.”

“No need. I’ve ordered an Uber.”

I feel terrible. She asked me to come out, and I’ve ditched her to hook up with our boss. “Do you want me to come with you?” I ask, but Cain slips a hand around me, pulling me back to his front.

“No, don't be silly. I’ll ring you tomorrow. Love you.” She stands and pecks my cheek. I search her eyes, worried she’s upset, but she winks, and I swallow the girlish grin rippling across my face.

Cain escorts me out of the club, using a side exit that opens up into an alleyway. There is no big queue or bouncers. My hand is tight in his grasp as he begins walking up the alley. “You do know that I wouldn’t have let you go with her?” He smirks, lifting his brow at me. I’ve never seen him smile so much. Is it because he has finally got me where he wants?

“Is that so?”

His wide smirk is answer enough. “I’m parked just up here.” The alleyway opens up into a private car park, and a set of lights flashes up ahead, and we move towards a black, shiny Maserati. I’m sure this is where I’m supposed to be filled with doubts and talk myself out of making a very bad decision, but Cain is the kind of bad that is so good it curls your toes. Like the gentleman I hope he is, he walks me to the passenger side, but it’s for his benefit. He nudges me against the vehicle, knocking the wind out of me. “Just to iron out the finer details—this is a one-night thing. It has to be.”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic