Page 38 of After Hours

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Turns out I am serious, very. I refuse to share Lauren. “I am.” I clear my throat as his hand falls to squeeze my shoulder.

“You were going to hit me.” He laughs lightly, packing his things away.

“I wanted to.”

“I’d have hit you back,”

“I’d expect nothing less.”

“For the record,”—disgust is the only emotion I can hear in Lauren’s voice, and we swing to look at her as she holds her little finger up—“major turn off. Go find someone else to sword fight your pencil dicks over.” She stalks out, the door slamming.

Matt might have a pencil dick, but I fucking don’t. I wiggle my finger in his face. “She was talking about you, mate.” I snigger, and Matt shakes his head.

“The only thing big about your dick is your balls.” He grunts, unimpressed.

“Wait, you didn’t sleep with her, did you?” I demand, my face twisted in anger.

“I don’t kiss and tell.” Matt smirks. I can’t work out whether he is ribbing me or trying to maintain our friendship by not admitting the truth.

“Not much to tell if all you did was kiss.”



It’s been a few days since I’ve seen my boss, and for that, I’m grateful. Doing a week of late shifts couldn’t have come at a better time. I doubt he will be loitering around the hotel during the evening. I’ve not seen or heard from Matteo since being at Perry’s apartment, and even if I had, I would ensure we kept things professional.

The loud trill of my phone wakes me before my alarm. On a loud, exaggerated groan, I twist over and reach for it. “Hello, Mum,” I say groggily.

“Lauren, surely you're not in bed already!” she reprimands loudly, making me flinch at her shrill tone.

“I’m on nights,” I explain, moving to sit up. I rub at my eyes and blink to wake myself further.

“Nights? Sorry, love. I thought you worked da—”

“I do.” I yawn. “It's just for this week. I’m off from Friday to Monday.”

“I called to say we’d love to have you for dinner. Would Friday suit? I’m sure James can make some time too,” my mother says hopefully. I haven’t been home since I arrived in London. I do feel guilty about that, but so much has happened in these past few months. As much as I love having my own space and being my own person, I do miss my family.

I nearly decline, worried about what Henrik will do, but he can’t stop me from visiting my parents, so I find myself agreeing. “What time?”

“Anything after noon. We’d love to spend some time with you.”

“Great!” Leveraging myself up, I get out of bed and say goodbye to my mum. With an extra hour on my side, I spend a long time in the shower before I even contemplate getting dressed. I keep my hair down with the intention of pinning it up, then I tidy up my flat and leave for work.

I purposely arrive so I cross over with Amberley. Her face lights up when she sees me walking towards the staff canteen. “Urgh, day shift sucks without your pretty face!” She flings her arms around me.

“That bad, huh? Try wandering around this place at night.” I laugh into her hair.

“I’d take that over Felicity any day,” she grumbles.

“Time for a drink?” I push open the staff canteen, and she nods, following me. I fetch our drinks and find Amberley at a table. “I can’t wait for Friday,” I grumble, sitting down. I slide her drink across, and she grins at me.

“I don't envy you.” She blows on her drink.

“Everything else been okay?”

“I guess—nothing to report, anyway.” She nods over my shoulder, making me look around. “He’s new. His name is Oliver.”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic