Page 32 of After Hours

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My phone dings with a notification, and a message from my ex, Martin, flashes on the screen.

Please talk to me. I’m sorry. I still love you, Lauren. We were friends first. I want us to be friends again. x

I lock my phone and close my eyes, but it only allows the image of Martin thrusting into Kristy to pop into my mind once again. Humiliation engulfs me as new as it felt the day I caught them together. My lips turn down, and I swallow the achy ball of pain in my throat. Some days I feel her betrayal more than his. We had been friends since we could tie our own laces.

My thoughts are consumed with the pain of their betrayal and my work situation—how am I going to win my boss back over? I don’t even realise I’ve passed my stop until I look up and find the train empty. I jump up in a panic and get off as it slows. I hate the tube. I forever feel claustrophobic as the muggy walls press in. It’s a few minutes before I reach ground level and come out onto the street, clutching my bag to my side, short of breath, unsure where I am. I'm not used to this part of London, so I stand, uncertain on the path, looking around, trying to gather my bearings. Fresh, cool air swirls around me, and I feel my lungs chasing the worry away as I suck it in. This is a bloody nightmare. Martin calls my phone, but I reject him. I don’t think this day could get any worse!

“Lauren?” The deep timber calling my name has my back tightening, and dread hits my stomach at lightning speed. Why, just why? Eyes wide, I slowly twist around to find Cain, a few feet away, staring at me from the entrance of a restaurant. Dr DeLuca follows him out shortly after, and he greets me with a wide and genuine smile. I chew over silent words and finally give an awkward smile.

“A little far out,” my boss murmurs. Is that code for too expensive? I sweep my gaze down the wide street lined with expensive cars, vine-covered buildings and more pedestrians donned in designer clothes. Unlike me in my dowdy coat, hugging my rumpled bag like a nitwit.

My jaw works, and I try to suck back the retort working its way quickly up my throat. “I missed my stop,” I say shortly. I look back over my shoulder at the tube. “I actually need to get home.” I don’t want to go back down. I was going to call an Uber. I’m flustered, and seeing him has only made me less put together. Why is he everywhere? He’s like a bad smell, only hotter, and he doesn’t actually smell. Well, he does, but it’s some faintly rich and woody scent that hits low in the stomach.

“Something on your mind?” My boss queries, his tone is light, and when I brave meeting his gaze, his blue eyes are sparkling with a fire I know too well. He’s poking fun at me.

Grinding my teeth, I give them both a smile. The one I direct at DeLuca is far kinder. “Not at all. Excuse me,” I mutter.I love my job. I love my job, I repeat over and over as I walk away.

“Lauren!” That’s not my boss. Matteo catches me up and flashes me an easy smile. “I’m leaving myself. Can I give you a lift?” he offers. My eyes meet Cain’s over the doctor’s shoulder to find his irritating smirk has dropped into his shiny shoes. Ha, victory!

My boss makes extra quick work of joining us—his hands shoved deep in his trouser pockets. He looks distinguished and pissed off. “I don’t think that will be necessary, Matt. I can get you home, Lauren,” he intervenes.

“Oh, no need. I can go home with Matteo.” I tilt my head and smile up at the hot doctor. He’s not really my type, but I like the way he looks at me, and after Martin's little reminder via text, I want to feel wanted. My boss grits his teeth, and I celebrate on the inside. Up yours, you miserable twat! “Lead the way, doctor.” I grin.

DeLuca winks, and I flush. Is he hitting on me? I hope so. I sorely need a confidence boost after Martin and Mr Grouch breathing down my neck. Matteo walks to a car on the kerbside, and I take a step forward, but Cain yanks me back until my back collides with a jolt to his front.

His lips hit my ear. “Lauren,” he warns, his hand fisting around my wrist. “I would say getting into the nice doctor's car isn’t entirely appropriate, given that he is a guest at the hotel.” This close, I can smell the rich musk of his aftershave. It’s divine, alluring, masculine,and my boss!My brain chimes in.

I rip my arm free. “Hmm, it’s a shame my boss didn’t get that memo when he invited himself into my apartment,” I shoot back and put some distance between us as Matteo looks up from the other side of the car.


I look back and debate refusing. If he is trying to hit on me, leading him on is unfair. But when he smiles genuinely, I relent. “Sure am.” I sigh, forcing my nerves aside.

“Don’t.” Cain’s deep voice catches me off guard. His tone is low and only loud enough for me to hear, but that’s not what causes me to rethink my decision to leave now. It’s the note of pleading it carries. Don’t go with DeLuca?

I spin around and purse my lips. “Am I going to get fired?” I ask quietly.

Cain frowns and shakes his head lightly. “No, of course not.” He swallows and lifts his head, squaring his jaw. Gone is the moment of hesitation in him.

“In that case, see you tomorrow,” I reply and leave him standing on the path when I get in Matteo's car.

“Goodnight.” Matteo lifts his hand in that way only men do before he zips up my window, blocking Cain out. The car manoeuvres us out into the road, and my eyes latch onto the wing mirror where my tall, formidable, and gorgeously angry boss stands immobile as we drive away. “Finally, I get you to myself.” Matteo clicks his tongue and gives me a wink. So the hot doctor does want in my pants?

I grin over at him. “I hadn’t realised you’d been trying.” He’s been trying? This is insane. Amberley is going to faint when I tell her!

“Only since you walked into The Carson-Ivory,” he admits with a deep sigh.

I gawp over at him. “Oh.” Maybe I should come clean now and keep things professional.

“I have to say I was mildly pleased you’d hurt yourself.” He winces, but I laugh.

I give him my address and smooth down my skirt when he drops his gaze to my bare knees.

Matteo clears his throat. “Are you going to invite me up?”

“To mine? Definitely not,” I stutter. I’m never taking a man up there again after the last disaster. His eyes dim with disappointment. I’m attracted to him. It’s nothing that catches me off guard or has me lost in thought, but I know an attractive man when I see one. There's no harm in a bit of fun, right? People do it all the time. I bite my lip and look over his face and his long frame stretched out in his car. He is hot. Besides, I'm not likely to see him around too much. “But I could come to yours?” I voice slowly.


Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic