Page 24 of After Hours

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“Carson-Ivory. That’s what we refer to it as—not in front of guests, obviously.” I grin and pick up some rice next.

“Yeah, it was in dire need of new equipment.” Perry’s phone rings and my heart fluctuates in my chest. Dropping my gaze, I try to hide my unease. Is that my boss? “I can’t right now.” Perry flicks a look at me, and I smile, feigning indifference. “Some Thai place. Lauren, what is it called?”

“Erm,” I blush and rattle the name off. Shit, that’s Cain. I can hear the low hum of his deep voice.

“It's just dinner!” Perry snaps defensively, then sighs. He pockets his phone and gives me a small smile.

“Everything okay?” That’s code for, is that my miserable arse of a boss?

“Yeah, all good.” I don’t want to bring Cain up if he’s not going to mention him, so I keep any further conversation neutral and chat mainly about family. I find out Perry is a trust fund baby and take the mickey out of him for it. “Trust me, I’m aware of the privileges presented to me, but I took my money and made it count.”

“I know. I’m only winding you up.” I chuckle. “If my parents hadn't supported me, I couldn’t have moved here.” I lie easily. They do support me, but everything I have now is because of grit and determination to survive the malicious intention of another.

“Why did you?” he asks, wiping his hands on a napkin.

I was being blackmailed. My fiancé cheated on me.The truth hangs like a sickly disease around my neck, making it difficult to swallow.

“I love the city, the lights, sounds. The town I grew up in was fairly small, and not much went on there,” I say, wrinkling my nose. “It was either work for my brother or stand on my own two feet.” I couldn’t think of anything worse than working for James. I’d hate to mix family and business, not to mention the scrutiny of Martin's betrayal—or how it led to his father blackmailing me to stay quiet. I couldn’t walk two feet without one of his polo-shirt-wearing minions feeding back my whereabouts. I’m not about to admit that to Perry, though.

“Why hospitality?”

“Why all the questions?” I joke. “I like people,” I begin—apart from Martin and Kristy—they can suck rotten eggs for all I care. His father, Henrik, can join them too, for good measure. What makes it all so much worse, other than my childhood best friend hooking up with my long-term boyfriend, is that I was being blackmailed into silence for something my brother is hiding. James and I aren’t close, yet whilst his life is no different, I have had to make multiple sacrifices.

I could cause a lot of damage to your family.

I’m not doing this for James, but for my parents.

“Apart from Cain.” He sniggers, making me chew my lip. Oh, and him. My face flames.

“We can’t get on with everyone, right?” I shrug apologetically. It is his friend, after all. “I plan to keep my distance,” I tell him cautiously. I don’t want word getting back to my boss that I don’t like him. “You two seem very different,” I comment.

“We’re actually very similar. He’s just more bull-headed.” Perry shrugs. “Ah, speak of the devil.” He waves to someone over my shoulder.

“What?” I choke on my rice. I manage to right myself before my boss appears, and I twist around, finding Cain weaving his way through the tables. Looking back, I glare at Perry. “Thanks a bunch,” I mutter.

“Now, now,” he laughs. “Hey, man!” Perry stands and claps Cain on the shoulder. Cain’s eyes burn down as I sit awkwardly in my seat. Why did he have to come?

“Miss Lindel.” Cain offers me an insincere smile as I stand quickly.

“I was actually just going, so feel free to take my seat.” I offer it out to my boss and pull my coat on. Perry smirks at me, and I debate picking up my chopstick and throwing it at him. He is most definitely a shit-stirrer. However, as annoying as his actions are, I can’t help but like him.

“Bullshit, we were going to order dessert,” Perry calls me on my lie. I go bright red.

“I’ve got an early shift,” I say, my voice slipping into a whisper. I find my purse and take some notes out. “That should cover my half,” I croak.

“How are your knees?” Cain stands face to face with me, and I blink up at him. My knees? Oh, right, the key card.

“Fine.” I swallow.

“I heard you were on your hands and knees earlier, you filthy chick,” Perry adds, laughing, relaxing me slightly.

My lips tug up. “You wish.” I deadpan him, and he throws his head back, laughing. Was Cain talking about me? I frown at him in question.

“You’re really leaving?” Perry pouts. “What about all this food?” I stare longingly down at the dishes we ordered and cup the back of my neck, feeling stupidly insecure around Cain.

I look at him now, hoping to see anything other than disdain, but nope, it’s still there, nailing me to the middle of the restaurant. Perfect. “You have it,” I say huskily. “Night, Perry, Mr Carson-Ivory,” I whisper.

“Could you brood any harder?” Perry comments dryly at my boss as I walk away. I fight a smirk. I like that Perry challenges Cain. I just wish I didn’t feel so rattled by him. I push free from the restaurant and leave both men behind. As I walk past the window, I peek in and find myself struck by how handsome Cain is. His profile is strong, his jaw and cheeks sharp. His light brown hair and deep, blizzard-cool eyes really pop against his tan skin. I drop my head before they look up and wrap my coat around myself.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic