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What did you think would happen?

I wasn’t thinking.

I was only driven by instinct.

The bathroom door creaks open as I finish making up a makeshift bed on the floor.

Sienna’s long auburn hair is loose from her ponytail now, tumbling over her shoulders. “I—” She gestures at the bathroom. Then at me, and the beds. “Thank you. Your turn?”

“In a minute.” I frown as I glance around the room. It’s missing a couch, but it has a large armchair. That will do.

I cross to Sienna and pick her up, swinging her into my arms.

She shrieks and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Put me down!”

I sit in the chair and arrange her in my lap.

Yes, this is better.

“What are you doing?” She grumbles the question at me as I smooth my hand down her cotton-covered thigh. She’s wearing soft, worn Christmas PJs that stretch over her curves in a way that is ten-times sexier than lingerie.

“We need to talk.”

“Do we need to be touching for that to happen?”


I know she means the question to be sarcastic and bratty. To push me away and throw up a barrier between us, because I’ve hurt her, and she wants to protect herself.

Butyes. I need to be touching her, and from the way she’s clinging to me, I think she needs to touch me, too.

“There’s nowhere else to sit.” I squeeze her knee, and she curls in tighter to me, turning herself into a ball on my lap.

As if even annoyed with me, she needs to be held.

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight, my heart pounding.


I don’t correct her on the name. Maybe it’s better if we’re real behind the closed door of our room. “Mmm?”

She wiggles her ass against my growing erection. “Are you still mad at me?”


“This doesn’t feel mad.”

“That has a mind of its own.”

“You didn’t kiss me like you were mad at me.” Her voice is soft and little, pure silk.

“My mouth has a mind of its own, too.”

“You were really nice with my family.”

I grunt in acknowledgment. “I’m not going to throw you to the judgemental wolves, Sienna. But wedoneed to talk about things. Because even if you turn me on, you also drive me crazy, and I’m not going to skip over that just because…”


Tags: Chloe Maine Romance