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Fingers crossed, in two years, that will be Justin with our little one.

* * *

I’m napping when he comes home. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but one minute I was reading a book on the bed, and the next he’s kissing the back of my neck softly. “Don’t get up,” he murmurs. “I’m just saying hi to my little girl.”

My heart flip-flops. “I got you something,” I mumble.

It’s on his pillow. HasDaddyscrawled on the front.

“This?” He carefully rips the envelope open. It’s a long, stuttering paper-ripping sound, and I roll over, still blinking sleep out of my eyes as he smiles down at the card, then opens it up.

The smile freezes, then grows tenfold. “What, really?”

“Really,” I manage to get out, and then he’s on top of me, kissing me and palming my belly.

“You did it.”

“We did it.” I laugh breathlessly. “You actually did a lot of it.”

“My pretty little wife…” He cups my face. “You’re pregnant?”

I nod, my pulse pounding.

He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply. “This is the best day of my life. Right ahead of sliding that ring on your finger, and that ring…” he kisses my ring finger, where a slim wedding band is nestled against my engagement ring. “And the day you left the water bottle on my deck.”

“All very good days…” Then my words are lost, consumed in a hungry kiss.

“Second phase of the operation is now complete,” he says triumphantly after we’re both well-kissed.

“What’s the third phase?”

He props up on one arm beside me. “Daddy finishes his time in the Navy, and then we escape to the mountains for good.”

Sounds perfect to me.

* * *

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