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Cassandra just shook her head that it wasn’t. Nelson was still messing with her head and there was nothing that could be done about it. She was never going to forgive him. Many had said that she should, it was so long ago and all, but Cassandra couldn’t shake it. She had never been one to deal with much when it came to men, but marriage and a son changed that. She tried to change the way she felt for two years, but it hadn’t changed. Cassandra didn’t want him anymore, she felt nothing when he touched her, and moving back home was her way to get away from him finally.

“I don’t think that is what we are supposed to get out of this, Nelson. It is over, Nelson; we are getting divorced. Have a good time with Luke and Steven, but don’t stay too long, okay?”

Nelson nodded and Cassandra left before he could try anything else. She was rattled but had to put a smile on her face for just a little while longer.

Chapter 4


While Steven could have done without Nelson staying around and Luke inviting him out, there was no way that he wasn’t going to get in the middle of it and see what was going on. He hadn’t missed Nelson in the same way that Luke had. He didn’t forgive him in the same way either.

“I don’t know, Luke. It just all seems a little strange, don’t you think? I mean, have you seen your sister look like that before? She looked like the light in her eyes was gone. Something happened to her, and I guarantee that it has something to do with Nelson.”

Luke waved off his closest friend and tried to explain it the best way he knew how. “You see what happened last time we didn’t accept who Cassandra wanted in her life. I haven’t seen my sister in years, and I don’t want to mess it up again, because I can deal with Nelson if I have to.”

Steven scoffed and said something about how it would be easier just to take him out. Luke was surprised and then he grinned. “What has your panties in a bunch?”

Steven shrugged and forgot himself for a minute. He wasn’t supposed to show anything as far as emotions. He wasn’t supposed to feel anything for Cassandra. He’d always been able to hold in the crush he’h had on her, mainly because of her brother. Luke didn’t scare Steven, but he had seen his friend go to major lengths to right a wrong.

“It just all seems shady. If everything is good with them, then why is he here dropping off his wife and kid at her mom’s house? I am telling you, Luke; something isn’t right about this situation.”

Steven watched his tone and made sure that the worry he truly felt didn’t come out. Luke didn’t need to know how he felt about Cassandra. That could all be kept in because it wouldn’t help anyone. He knew that it would never work, not when she was his best friend’s sister, but if he could see her away from Nelson, it would be enough. Steven hated the very idea of it and anything that came to mind when he thought about the two of them.

Luke waved him off and turned the truck off. They were at his parents’ house, about to pick up the old friend, and Steven couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen next. He didn’t expect Cassandra to come with them, but she piled into the truck as well. Steven had to scoot over for Cassandra, something he didn’t mind at all. Her husband got in the back jump seat, and he looked miserable as the two of them talked. Something was definitely going on. He was going to get to the bottom of it, somehow.

He turned his attention to Cassandra, and he made her smile with his compliments. The nerves from earlier were gone, and the male ego came out in full force. He was next to Luke, but it was Cassandra who he wanted to impress. Without showing his true intent to Luke, Steven kept his voice low, moving in closely when he wanted to tell her something.

“I have a couple of projects that I would like to get your help with, Cassandra. How long are you going to be staying here?” Steven asked under his breath, knowing that Nelson shouldn’t have taken the two of them talking so personally. He did though, staring Steven down and giving him dirty looks that didn’t faze Steven much. He knew what the look was about. His old friend was afraid that Steven wanted to get in the middle of them. He wished that he had a long time ago.

Cassandra told him that she would look at whatever he sent her.

“Do you have an office here, if you’re going to stay a while?”

Cassandra shrugged and said that she hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Most of what I do is in bed at home, but I will have to get something together for meetings and a monthly workshop I do. I just haven’t thought that far ahead.”

Steven told her that he had more than enough room at his office building, and Cassandra’s face turned pink in the darkened truck. She looked to Steven only once. Their eyes met, and Cassandra looked away quickly, like he was fire.

“Thanks, Steven. I am sure I will be ready to think about it in a couple of days. Right now, work is the last thing on my mind.”

Steven nodded his head like he understood. He just wanted something to talk to her about, refusing to get into the conversation going on between Luke and Nelson. They’d always been closer. Steven lost his desire to know Nelson when he had gotten Cassandra. Steven had hated the man ever since.

They got to the bar and Steven was quick to get out, even though he’d asked for the close quarters. He should have taken his car. He wouldn’t have had the awkward moments with Cassandra, nor would he have felt his need for her so quickly. She didn’t say how long she was going to be staying, but she was moving there. All of her stuff was a few days out. Steven was right, something was going on, and he wanted to find out what, but Luke was eyeballing him, and he went in alone. He would find out soon enough.

Chapter 5


Cassandra blamed Steven for talking her into going out. She had insisted that the three men should go out and catch up without her, but Steven had been adamant that she was just as much a part of their crew as Nelson was. Cassandra had relented, but now that they were there, she wanted to call and check on Dennis, which she did. It had been thirty minutes, so naturally everything was fine.

“You look nervous.”

Cassandra nodded. “I am not used to leaving him much. This has been a long day, that’s all. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. I must have been crazy.”

“Come on Cassandra. You don’t miss the old gang? We had some good times together.”

Cassandra agreed and that made it harder. It was hard to be back, and it was worse because she couldn’t be truthful. She was looking at Steven in a way that she shouldn’t. He had always been handsome, she’d thought he was interested, but he would never take the leap. There had been several moments where he could have made the steps to see what could happen between them, but he had chickened out. It was part of the reason that she had fallen for Nelson. He had put himself out there and it had just happened. She had to wonder what would have happened if Steven would have been as relaxed as he was then.

“We did, but things change. You’ve changed.”

Tags: Claire Angel Romance