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What he did walk into was bad enough. Cassandra was bent over the dining room table, with Steven giving it to her from behind. Nelson couldn't get past it. His eyes went to the two of them and he must have made a sound, because Steven looked behind him for a moment, and saw Nelson there. He didn't say anything, just kept thrusting inside of her and then he grinned before he turned away from Nelson, putting his back to him and carrying on like he wasn't even there. That probably bothered him the most, Steven acting like he wasn’t there. He wasn’t worried about what he would do.

What would he do?

Nelson left, but he wasn't going too fast. What was the point? Cassandra hadn't seen him there, but he doubted that she would care if she did. It was the first time since she found out about the cheating and had asked for a divorce that he thought it was really over between them. Cassandra was lost to him now. If Nelson didn't get it before, he got it then. He wasn't going to blame himself though, even though he was in the wrong for much of their marriage. Obviously, it was starting to make sense. The only reason Cassandra didn't want to work things out with him was because of Steven.

Nelson knew that he couldn’t let it stand. If he couldn’t have her, Steven certainly couldn’t. He was damn sure going to make sure that the two of them didn’t make the mistake of thinking that they were ever going to be together. Nelson wouldn’t let that happen.

Chapter 36


Steven didn't even miss a beat when he saw Cassandra’s soon to be ex-husband. He saw the look that Nelson gave him. He knew that Nelson had seen it all, but he wasn't going to stress about it. To be truthful, it was rewarding to see the look of shock that was there on his face. It felt like a little bit of justice. He had cheated on Cassandra and hurt her. He deserved to see someone else have her then. Then maybe she would see how stupid he was. Steven didn't really give a fuck. He debated if he was even going to tell her and when it was all said and done, he was so satiated that it completely slipped his mind.

The whole idea that he was going to keep his distance from Cassandra was obviously a lie that he told himself. He had all intentions on doing so. Nothing good would come of the truth being found out, but Steven couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle being without her. As soon as he had heard that she had just left Nelson, Steven knew that she would want to talk about it. Her divorce was a sore subject as far as he was concerned, but it was also one of those situations that couldn't be helped. He knew that she was getting divorced, and no divorce was perfect. They were messy and hers didn't seem to be any different.

When he woke up next to her though a little while later and she had the biggest smile on her face, there was no way that Steven could see it any other way than a blessing. It complicated things, he was sure of it, but at the moment, it wasn't enough to warn him off. Presently, he got to pretend that it was just the two of them. He thought to tell her about Nelson, but he got sidetracked with her and her smile. It became the last thing on his mind.

“We’ve really got to stop doing this.”

He said it joking, but she immediately got a frown on her face and got very serious. “You are the one who asked me to come over.”

He agreed that is what happened, and he just shook his head. “I didn’t mean seeing each other, I meant seeing each other and not even saying a word to each other. We can at least have a conversation, don't you think?”

Cassandra smiled a little bit, a little self-conscious as she always was after they were together. He liked the blush that came over her and the way she would bite her lower lip when she was nervous. She was nervous right then.

“I would say that talking is overrated, especially when we can have so much fun in quiet. Though, you’re not really quiet.”

She started to move toward him with a grin. He had learned to get very nervous when she had that look on her face. Cassandra always got her way, at least when it came to sex. She put her mind to it and her focus was narrow. Steven didn't stand a chance. No wonder Nelson was following her around like a lost puppy months after they had broken up. He couldn't blame him He actually felt sorry for Nelson. Not enough to stop what he was doing though, not enough to stop him from taking every liberty possible with his wife. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Steven felt a shred of guilt.

Chapter 37


Cassandra stayed for a little while, but he insisted that she go home. It was fire they were playing with, and Steven had never been that stupid. He knew better than to tempt the fates most of the time. It was hard for him to focus on much of anything with Cassandra around. He’d been doing so well, keeping away, until he wasn’t. Now he was off the wagon, and it appeared he had given up on actually getting back on it. Cassandra was his drug and he needed her like an addict.

He cornered her by the door and kissed her deeply before she left. “Aren’t you going to tell me that this was a mistake and that you want to keep your distance again?” Cassandra asked.

Steven disagreed, “I never want to say that to you. This isn’t a mistake, but it’s going to nevertheless hurt Luke. I think we both know that’s true.”

Cassandra didn’t answer out loud, but she nodded her head. There was no question as to how it would all end. Luke was either going to forgive them or he wasn’t. Neither one of them knew which way it was going to go. That worried Cassandra. He could tell by her expression. It worried him just as much.

“One of us needs to tell him, before he finds out and takes it even worse.”

Steven looked away like he wasn’t going to listen to it. He was not going to be the one. He had already said enough about it, and he had made a promise, which he had certainly failed to keep. He’d said that he would make sure that nothing happened. It did, multiple times, and Steven was no longer lying to himself to think that it wasn’t going to happen again. He was getting closer to Cassandra and Dennis. They were being looked at more and more by him as family. That was new and nerve-wracking.

“You’re his sister.”

Cassandra sighed. “Yeah, but I can’t promise that I will have the guts. You know how he is; he gets so mad.”

Steven promised her that they would both feel better when it was all out in the open. He wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but he hoped it would be. He was sick of feeling sick to his stomach all the time. He was of the thinking that anything had to be better than the constant urge he had to vomit all the time. Lying to his best friend and sleeping with his sister was having an effect on his mind. He was trying his best to keep it all together, but it didn’t come easy. It had to be better to get it out. Then, maybe Luke would hit him a few times, get it out, and then they could all move on.


Nelson walked up to Steven all of a sudden and it threw him off. He was at work, about to go into a meeting, and Nelson just popped up out of nowhere. It looked like he had been waiting for him for quite some time.

“We need to talk,” Nelson started.

Steven disagreed with him and said that he had nothing to say to him.

Tags: Claire Angel Romance