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“What happened?” Cassandra felt alarmed. “Did he find something out?” Cassandra shivered with the new information.

“No, but if we keep going the way things are going, he is going to find out. I know that you think it's silly that he got so upset about Nelson, but they really were good friends. Not as close as we are, but do you know what it would do to Luke? If you had been here and seen what happened last time, you wouldn't play me on this. You can't do that to him, I can't do that to him. Your brother is my best friend.”

Cassandra looked like she had been physically hit. Her face changed, and she had no idea what to say. It was her worst nightmare coming true. What was she supposed to say to that?

“I don't want to hurt my brother either, but why should we walk away from this because of him?” She just didn’t understand. She hadn't been there when she had run off with Nelson because she had run off. All she knew was that her brother was so upset about it that he hadn’t talked to her for years and hadn’t met his nephew until four years later.

That wasn't her fault. That was her brother’s choice, and Cassandra couldn't see how true love could ever be wrong. How could she and Steven getting together, feeling so damn great, how could that even be a bad thing? How could Steven walk away from it so easily?

Chapter 32


He had been avoiding Cassandra because what he had to tell her was not anything that he wanted to say out loud. She was going to be upset, Steven knew it, and instead of getting it done and over with, pulling the bandage off quickly as it were, he had avoided it. Steven had run away, and it was just one more thing to tack onto the guilt that he felt.

Watching her face crumble and feeling the pain coming off of her was more than he could handle. It was everything that he had worried would happen and more. Steven couldn't look at her; he couldn't look at himself. Before he could say or do anything else, the first tear fell down her cheek and Steven couldn't stand it. It was all his fault. He should have stopped it long before they both fell in love. How could he stop love though?

“Please, Cassandra. I can't bear to see you cry.”

Cassandra shook her head like she had no choice. “It's not like I want to cry, Steven. I don't want you to see me this way, to know what you can do to me.”

“I'm not trying to do anything to you. I am trying not to do something to Luke.”

“Whether you like it or not, those two things are attached. For you to be a good friend to Luke, you have to do this. This is not good. This doesn't make me feel good. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. How could this be right?”

Steven could see her point naturally. He was afraid to tell her that he didn't want to see her anymore, because he knew what would happen. It wasn't just her either. It wasn't just her pain that he was going to feel, but his own as well. Steven could not just walk away from love. He may never feel anything again without it affecting him in some way. He figured that he would be crushed and humiliated just like her.

Cassandra wouldn't stop crying, and the tears just rolled down her face. He brushed them away with this thumb, pulling her closer. What he did next wasn't going to help anything. It was actually going to make everything worse, but he couldn't help it. Steven saw her bottom lip quiver, and he was beside himself with need and desire. He wanted to give in to what they both wanted. It was superhuman strength that kept him from turning her around and taking her right then and there. It was what he needed, to possess her. Steven knew what she meant to him and what walking away from her would mean as well. He had readied himself for that. He had not readied himself to face her and tell her all of it. That was more than he could handle.

The next thing he knew, Cassandra was in his arms and his lips were pressed against hers. Cassandra made that moaning sound that did things to him every time. Steven wanted to resist her; he really did. He knew that it would make everything worse, every time he touched her. When he knew that he wouldn’t be able to do it again, it felt like torture more than anything else.

He told her that everything was fine, and she didn’t have to be upset, but that made it come out even more. Steven’s heart was breaking and the only way she wasn’t so sad, was when he kissed her. It took her mind off of it, and he found no reason to not keep kissing her.

When she melted in his arms, her form molding against all of his hard body, Steven groaned inwardly. It was bad enough to feel her and the submission that was coming out of her. Worse than that, worse than any of it, was how badly he needed her. Steven knew that she was off limits, knew that he was betraying his friend, and none of it was worth that, but her. Feeling Cassandra give in and let him take liberties with her body and lips was more than he could take. All of that resolve he had was going away with each whimper from her sweet red lips. Steven was sure that she knew the damage she did. Cassandra smiled at him when he growled and dragged her to his bedroom.

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”

Cassandra agreed as she took the rest of her clothes off and waited on the bed he had thrown her on. She was shaking and watching as he unveiled himself. Steven could see the moment that desire took over and her stance changed. She showed off more of her bare form and crooked her finger toward him.

“You are really hard to say no to.”

Cassandra nodded and clicked her tongue like she felt sorry for him. Steven didn’t think that she felt sorry for him at all. She was having way too much fun with it.

Once he was inside of her, nothing else mattered. Cassandra called out repeatedly and he slid into her repeatedly, until neither one of them could think straight. It was only when it was over, Steven cursed himself inwardly and knew that giving her up, no matter what was at stake, was going to be harder than he’d ever imagined.

Chapter 33


She woke up with a start and looked over at the digital clock sitting on Steven’s bedside table. She was late. Cassandra had to go meet with Nelson to go over some of the details of the divorce. It wasn't a meeting that she was looking forward to by any stretch of the imagination, but Cassandra knew that it had to be done. She did not want to have to explain why she was late, especially when it had to do with her in another man's bed. They weren't technically divorced yet and that weighed on her head.

After throwing clothes on, she raced over to her house to find Luke sitting outside in his car. She didn't know if he'd gone to the front door yet, so she made her way through the back and put on a bathrobe. She yawned real big as she was opening the door and told him to come in. “What are you doing sitting out there?”

Her brother was eyeing her as he got out of his car and went in toward the house. “Where have you been?”

“What do you mean? I have been here the whole time. I was just sleeping. Are you sure you are okay, brother? You sound like you are losing it.”

“Sleeping? I went in and you were not in your bed. It looks like you didn't even sleep in it last night.” Her brother was accusing her of something, and Cassandra quickly asked him if he had checked the couch.

Tags: Claire Angel Romance