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“I need to get our clothes off. As much as I love kissing you, I have so much more in mind, Cassandra.”

He saw her shiver and he pulled his shirt off, falling back on her splayed body, pressing his need down into her, judging how she reacted to it. That’s what he was constantly thinking about, being inside of Cassandra, and she reacted in a way that he could have only hoped for. He pushed in through her clothing, just a little as there was too much between them.

His endeavor helped him to see that Cassandra was soaking wet. She was soaking through her garments and even with her pants still on, he could feel the heat and the dampness that was coming from her.

It took little to no time at all to get her pants and shirt off. It wasn’t hard when she was helping him to do it. Cassandra was eager and he sucked in a breath as every inch of her was revealed. He’d imagined her so many times in his head, but now he got to see every forbidden curve for himself, and it was really working his head.

His mouth went to hers, slowing the sound of desire that came out of her. It was the same sound that put need in his movement. Steven couldn’t wait any longer. She was primed, didn’t need what he insisted had to come next. Cassandra actually tried to stop him when he was around her hips.

“What are you doing, Steven?” Cassandra asked, panic in her voice. He asked her what was wrong, and Cassandra said that she wasn’t going to be able to take him doing that to her. She couldn’t even say the words, and Steven took it as she needed it more than most.

“I think that you need it, as much as I want to taste you.”

Her face got red, and Cassandra was sure that she wasn’t going to be able to deal with whatever came next. She told him as much, and he assured her that she would be able to persevere, his words, not hers. As soon as he started to flick on her inner thighs and then the softer, more delicate parts of her, Cassandra cried out his name as she came. It was quick and threw him off, but she was so beautiful in that moment. He wanted it to last, so he played with her with his fingers, while his mouth attached to her fully. He started to suck, and Cassandra started to scream. It really was the best sound he’d ever heard.

Steven lifted up from between her legs and watched her face twist and her body contort. Every time he flicked his tongue, Cassandra moved. It was a sexy dance that he could no longer avoid.

Lifting up, Steven kissed her lips, making her taste the slight saltiness that he had on his tongue. Steven got up and took his pants off, making Cassandra gasp as his hard length slid between her legs as soon as he moved over her.

“Are you ready?” Steven asked with a grin. Cassandra nodded that she was, and then it was enough of an answer. He pushed in with all of his might, burying himself deep and making them both call out with the pleasure of it. Steven had imagined that she would feel good, but he never knew that she was going to feel so good. Cassandra felt amazing crushing his length with her inner walls.

Steven dragged himself free and pushed back in several times, lubricating her for his movements. Cassandra whimpered and moaned the whole time, her hips rising up to meet his, just so that he would go deeper.

Cassandra’s nails dug into his back, and she came hard. He could feel more moisture, which made her slippery and he was going deeper. Steven was lost in the moment, holding Cassandra, feeding her his need, and watching her face as she came. Steven didn’t think he’d seen something better in all of his life. He certainly hadn’t felt any better.

“You’re mine now, Cassandra. I hope you know that.”

Cassandra clicked her tongue but didn’t answer. He was moving inside of her, and she couldn’t do much more than take it, all of it.

Chapter 28


Cassandra woke up with a start from the loud knocking on the door. At first it started out far away in her mind and then as she got closer to wakefulness, the knocking got louder. Cassandra sighed loudly, tossed and turned, and tried to go back to sleep. She was tired. What they had done the night before, had completely worn her out.

It was Steven’s hurried, hushed voice that made her finally get up. Cassandra was just thinking how she didn't want to get up for the day. She wanted more sleep because her body needed time to recover from her pleasure the night before. The thought of it brought a smile to her face. That was, until Steven’s words and meaning started to hit home.

“Cassandra, you need to get up and get out of here. It's your brother. I hate to ask you to leave like this, but you know how he is.”

That got Cassandra moving. The idea that her brother Luke would be there got her moving and made her move faster. She’d walked over, so thankfully she had no car there, but it still meant that she had to get out and get away from the house and back to hers before her brother found out. If he saw her, he would know. Cassandra told herself that she was going to tell him the truth. She had to and she wasn't going to hide her true feelings. What good would that do?

When it came down to it though, the last thing that Cassandra wanted was for Luke to find out. He wouldn't understand. He would just think that it was some betrayal that they were doing against him, even though that's not what it was at all. Cassandra was happy for once. She wished that her brother would care about her happiness, but she feared that he wouldn't. As she pulled her clothes on, Cassandra thought about what he had done to Nelson after he had found out. Cassandra wasn't worried about the physical harm that was done to Steven. He could hold his own. It was the complete abandon that Cassandra would have a hard time with. She couldn’t let that happen again.

“Maybe we should just tell him,” Cassandra suggested while they ran for the door in the back. Steven just kind of looked at her like she was crazy. Maybe she was, but her brother didn't seem that scary. Maybe that was because he wouldn't do anything to her except ignore her for another couple of years like he had before. Cassandra could understand it and it made her upset at the same time. She was his sister. He should be her family no matter what decision she made. Luke’s love shouldn’t be so conditional.

Steven shook his head so quick it looked like whiplash. “There's no way that I'm telling your brother what's going on. Not before we even know what's going on ourselves. Do you really think that he’ll react the same way?”

Cassandra shrugged. “I don't know, maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he would turn his back on us like he did with me before or maybe he wouldn't. I can't live my life dictated by Luke’s emotions and moods. I am glad to be back home, I am not glad for this. He is my family. He is supposed to help me, not make me so nervous that I can't do what I need to do.”

The whole time that they were having this impromptu conversation, the knocking at the door was getting louder. Cassandra went out the back door like a thief in the night. She shouldn't have to go out the back door. She honestly couldn't believe that she was. All she wanted to do was stay there with Steven. They could face whatever it was together. If her brother would just listen, maybe he would understand that the two of them together was meant to be.

Cassandra turned around right before she left and gave Steven a big kiss. It didn't last very long, but it was fiery and reminded her of the feelings that Steven had given her the night before. “I don't want this to be it for us. We deserve something, Steven, don't you think?”

There was a louder knock and Luke was calling out to Steven.

“You better go get that before he beats down your door.”

Steven agreed and Cassandra was gone the next moment. She didn't like running away, hated it actually, but for now they were going to have to keep their love secret. It was fine really. She had kept secrets for years. Cassandra just wished that Steven didn't have to be one of them.

Tags: Claire Angel Romance