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My head falls onto his shoulder, and I let out a sigh. Fire doesn’t roar through my veins from his touch, but all I need is a distraction so my lust-filled brain doesn’t make a stupid decision.

If William stays, maybe I won’t.

I wrap my arm around William’s neck and curl my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.

Lucas’s jaw tightens as William’s hands slide over my ribs and cup my breasts.

“Time to go, William.” The low rumble of Lucas’s voice makes the words sound like a growl.


“That wasn’t part of the agreement, sweetheart.”

I blush.

Lucas grips the belt of my gown and tugs me away from William. “You can show yourself out.”

Anticipation or panic twists in my gut as William picks up his jeans. “Wait.”

Lucas shoves one hand in my hair and forces me to look at him, his possessiveness making me wetter than the performance I watched.

“William is done. You and I are just getting started.”

Tingles race through me as he pulls my hair tighter, exposing my neck to his hot breath and punishing mouth. Wet, languid kisses skim down my throat, making my breasts swell in anticipation and my nipples tighten until they hurt.

I think I hear the door open and close, but I can’t be sure. Our ragged breaths and my thumping pulse are louder than every other sound.

He presses one kiss and another up my neck.

My lips part.

A warning hums in the back of my head, but the hard line of his cock rubbing my belly muddles my thoughts.

His teeth graze my jaw.

My pulse skips and my breath catches in anticipation.

All the reasons I shouldn’t kiss him are forgotten.

His gaze drops to my mouth, then scoops me into his arms, sweeping my feet from the floor… with no kiss.

I’m disappointed, and I hate it.

“Why are you carrying me?”

His smile turns wicked, and he walks us toward the bathroom. “Do you remember those late-night showers I’d take whenever I stayed over?”

He pushes the door open with his foot and gently lowers me onto the tiled floor.

My cheeks flush as I remember those nights.

Ben rarely gave me more than a kiss on the forehead before falling asleep, probably too tired from fucking his ex behind my back.

But I wasn’t innocent either as I lay awake beside him, too wound up to sleep. Hearing the splash of water late at night would be too much, knowing Lucas was naked beneath the shower one door away.

I tried to resist, but my fingers always crept across my stomach and slipped beneath my underwear. Short, slow circles around my clit until I burst, afraid of waking Ben and losing the fantasy to his sleepy, self-indulgent thrusts.

Sometimes, I would slip a finger inside and drown every whimper beneath a pillow. Those nights were my favorite.

Tags: Adele Knight Romance