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Coming back to DKE’sheadquarters after a morning meeting at a nearby hotel, Anneke was surprised to see Serenity Raleigh, Willem’s eighteen-year-old PA, entering the building just ahead of her.

“Goedmorgen, mevrouw.”Greetings from the staff had Serenity turning around, and seeing her boss’ sister coming inside, Serenity automatically halted.

Anneke hurried forward when she saw the younger girl waiting for her. “Hallo, and you totally didn’t have to wait for me, you know.”

“It was no trouble.” Serenity’s tone was well modulated, her smile picture-perfect with just the right mix of courtesy and warmth. The younger girl was affectionately known as Willem, Jr. within DKE, and it wasn’t just because she was blonde, blue-eyed, and beautiful like Anneke’s eldest brother. Simply put, the teenager was more like the Dutch billionaire’s clone than a mere protégé. Polite to a fault, always unfazed, and pretty much perfect.

“Have you just arrived?”

Serenity shook her head. “I waited with Mr. Turner until his driver came up in front.”

Recognizing the name as one of their long-term partners in the States, Anneke glanced around, looking for her brother. “Where’s Willem then?”

Something flickered in Serenity’s blue eyes before the younger girl answered politely, “He has an engagement with my sister.”

Crap.Wishing she had just kept her big mouth shut, Anneke said hurriedly, “It’s probably about business again. I, umm, heard that Willem was thinking of getting your sister as the new face for this makeup company we had recently invested in.”

“I understand.”

Anneke bit back a sigh. Yes, Serenity no doubt understood that was a big, fat lie, but the younger girl was nice enough to pretend it wasn’t so. Joining the other woman inside the elevator, Anneke willingly took up the burden of conversation, chatting nonstop to give Serenity time to recover her composure. That Serenity was in love with Anneke’s eldest brother was open knowledge among her and her other siblings, but it was also one they never voiced outright to the Good-Hearted Tyrant. For one thing, Willem didn’t seem to be aware of it either, and even if he were, Anneke had a bad feeling it would only keep him further away from Serenity.

Love was so complicated.

No sooner than the thought formed in her mind did the elevator doors open to the executive floor, and the first thing Anneke saw was the huge bouquet on the counter and the receptionists’ grinning faces.

Oh, crap.

“Flowers for you, Ms. de Konigh.” Rachel then asked slyly, “Wonder who it’s from.”

Speaking of complications, here was her own, confronting Anneke regularly like clockwork.Throw it out.That was what her first instinct told her to say, but good manners eventually prevailed, and she said briskly, “Thank you.”

Andrea, the other receptionist, appeared flummoxed at her lackluster reaction to the bouquet.“Don’t you think it’s terribly sweet that Marcus Ravelli always sends you flowers?”

Anneke couldn’t help feeling a little exasperated. “You do remember I’ve asked him for a divorce—-”

“But it hasn’t been granted yet,” Rachel quickly pointed out. “So maybe there’s a chance that you guys could get back together?” She knew she was being forward, and while she wouldn’t dream of saying any such thing to any other de Konigh, Anneke was different. In the receptionist’s private opinion, Anneke – despite her occasional display of reserve, which Rachel chalked down to Willem de Konigh’s training - was the most approachable of the bunch. There was just something about the blonde Dutch heiress that was unquestionably angelic.

Anneke shook her head. “No. It’s not possible.”

“Even just the slightest bit?” Andrea insisted.

“No—-” Her blue eyes narrowed suspiciously at the staff. “Why are you suddenly being pushy about this?”

“Nothing!” The two receptionists were quick to protest at the same time.

Too quickly,Anneke thought, even more suspicious now. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Has he spoken to either or both of you?”


But now, the two women looked flustered, and Anneke bit back a sigh of frustration. He was at it again! These two probably wouldn’t ever tell, but Anneke just knew – oh, she just knew Marcus had somehow found a way to bribe their receptionists into putting a good word for him.

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance