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“I’m delighted to hear that,Tante Matilda.”

The woman was now delirious with delight, no doubt feeling extra special that Willem still remembered her name. But then, that was how my oldest brother operated. He always had his best foot forward, and there wasn’t a thing he said or did without planning several steps ahead.

Tante Matilda then turned to Jaak, and she tittered once more when my other brother gallantly kissed her hand. “Your wicked charm never fails to astound me. No wonder you’re everyone’s favorite playboy!”

Fleur was up next, and my sister only had to bat her eyelashes for the older woman to exclaim, “Sweet lovely Fleur, how many hearts have you slayed this year?”

My youngest brother smiled without saying anything, but since he was as gorgeous as the other men in my family, it was more than enough for Tante Matilda. “Oh, Nic, such perfection in one so young!”

And then there was me.

The older woman’s smile faltered as she reached the end of the line. “Anneke.”

Yes,I thought with a silent sigh. I still existed, and I still hadn’t become as beautiful as my other siblings, much to everyone’s awkward dismay.

“Hallo,TanteMatilda.” I kissed her dutifully on both cheeks.

“Hallo.” Her smile was too bright, and her eyes darted here and there as if she was desperately searching for something.

I waited patiently.

Finally, she said, “Your dimples are cuter than ever!”

Hallelujah,I thought. She had found something to compliment about me. “Thank you,Tante.”

As soon as the older woman left, Fleur leaned past Nic and shook her head chidingly at me. “You’re too nice.”

“I know.” It was true, and there was nothing I could do about it.

This continued for the rest of the day, and by the time Willem finally gave us the signal to disperse, my jaw was aching from too much dimple-flashing.

As I turned away, Marcus came up to me with one of his usual sexy, heart-stopping smiles. “Ciao, bambina.” He was dressed a bit more formally today, with a dark blue flannel shirt tucked into a pair of chinos. “I thought you might need this.”

He handed me a bottle of ice-cold water, and I took it gratefully. “Thank you.”

“The other one is for you, of course.” Marcus handed the other bottle to my younger sister.

“Thank you!” Fleur blew him a kiss. “I knew you were the perfect one for my sister!”

I turned red.“Fleur!”

She quickly jumped out of my reach. “Just kidding!” She backed away, saying mischievously, “Or not!”

“FLEUR!”I tried to go after her, but Marcus laughingly pulled me back, his fingers wrapping around my wrist.

As always, his touch made me forget everything else, and I stilled. Were we going to play again?

He suddenly laughed, and when I looked up, startled, he whispered into my ear, “I know what you’re thinking—-”

I gulped.

“—-and it’s not what good girls are supposed to think about.”

He leaned away.

I wetted my lips.

His eyes blazed.

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance