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I kicked her under the table. “You’re my sister. You’re not supposed to blackmail me.”

“Well, those guys—-” She nodded towards Jaak, Nic, and Willem, who were deep in discussion about something that had to do with our grandmother’s latest orders. “—-are our brothers, and you’re not supposed to have any secrets from them.” She smirked. “Aren’t you?”

Before I could tell Fleur what a horrible person she was, Willem suddenly addressed both of us, and we immediately straightened in our seats. He had always had this effect on us, probably because he had been more a parent to the others and me than our real parents were.

“It’s our turn to host this year’s Carnival Week,” Willem informed us. “I expect everyone to be available for the entire week.”

Fleur opened her mouth to protest.

“Understood?” Willem said very pleasantly.

Fleur snapped her mouth shut.

“Carnival Week?” Marcus echoed curiously. “It sounds interesting.”

I nodded eagerly. “Oh yes. Our carnival’s like no other.” I knew I sounded more than a little proud, but I couldn’t help it. “Everything still comes with a bookish twist. We have bespectacled swan boats, and if you take a ride on the Ferris wheel, you’ll see that each cabin is stocked with a mini library. Then there’s the—-”

“Whoa.” Marcus was grinning. “Maybe it’s better if I experience these things firsthand?”

“Oh yes.” I nodded vigorously even though I knew I was beginning to sound like a broken record. But I couldn’t help it either.Bruin Hemelwas a vastly underappreciated town in my opinion, and nothing made me feel giddier than having an opportunity to get other people to see the place the way I did.

“What time does the festival start?”


“That sounds good,” Marcus murmured. “How about you take me to town tomorrow?”

“Oh ye– what?” I blinked, uncertain if I had heard him right. But then I saw everyone – including Willem – turning to look at me.

A penny could be heard dropping at the silence that swept over the dining room, telling me I hadn’t misheard Marcus Ravelli.


Jaak started to smirk, and he was looking at Marcus and me like we were about to embark on a live vaudeville skit. Nic was frowning, as if trying to understand how our houseguest could be so stupid.

“This should be fun,” Fleur whispered slyly to me, and I kicked her under the table again.

This wasnotfun. This was downright embarrassing and awkward, more so when I saw Willem’s icy blue gaze settle on Marcus as he asked in a too-pleasant voice, “Is that your way of asking my sister out on a date?”

Okay, that officially made thisthemost awkward and embarrassing moment of my life.

Marcus’ dark gaze met my brother’s. “Not at all.” His voice was completely unruffled. “Anneke and I are just friends.”

Perfect answer,I cheered silently inside my mind.You go, Marcus—-

“But if I do choose to ask her out on a date, it should be a private matter between your sister and me—-” Marcus’ gaze captured mine. “—-don’t you think?”

No! You no go, Marcus!

I stared at him in dismay. What the heck was wrong with him? Both of us knew he didn’t want to date me. Friendship was the only thing he insisted upon, so why was he saying things like he was baiting my brother?

“I see,” I heard Willem murmur.

Oh no.

Oh crap, oh no.

Willem never said anything he didn’t mean, so when he said those dreaded words, then there was something hedidsee.

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance