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A moment later, she heard him growl from behind, and then he, too, was coming, his sticky hot seed pouring into her, filling her, claiming her.

As her eyes closed, Anneke’s internal muscles contracted around his still-twitching cock, as if wanting to keep him joined with her.




MARCUS WOKE UP FROManother nightmare a few hours later, his naked body bathed in cold sweat. He sat up abruptly, the coldness inside of him spreading.She was gone. She was gone. She was gone. The terrifying words hammered his brain as he slowly turned to his side—-

Anneke’s eyes fluttered open as she gradually sensed Marcus’ gaze on her. When she became fully awake, the first thing that became clear to her was the panic in his dark eyes – and it hurt.

She sat up right away. “Marcus?”

“I thought you were gone,” he said in a hollow voice.

Her heart lurched at his words, and she whispered, “Why would you think that?”

“I’m not certain.” He gazed at her, his dark eyes haunted. “I feel like I’m missing something, but I don’t know what it is. I only know it could make you leave me—-”

“Nothing would make me leave you, Marcus.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I’m here. And I’ll always be here.”


The days that followedwere pure perfection, with both Anneke and Marcus coming into an unspoken agreement to extend their stay in Bruin Hemel. It had become their haven of sorts, and a part of Anneke was scared that the moment they left everything would fall apart.

Marcus appeared to think so, too. While he still refused to speak of his nightmares, she could see in the way he would sometimes look at her that he still believed she would leave him.

She tried her best to show him it wasn’t so, loving him with the words and with everything else she could give him. Sometimes, it would work, the shadows in his gaze fading. But it was only for a moment, and then it would be back again, that haunted look in his eyes that told her Marcus was only waiting for the axe to fall.

She wished she could tell him he was being ridiculous, but she knew better than to do so.

Marcus had no idea that she could see past his façade and sense his quiet restlessness. If he found out she was worried about him, she knew that his overprotective side would only cause him to work harder in keeping his emotions to himself.

Maybe in time, his fears would subside, and he would realize that she wasn’t going anywhere.

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance