Page 75 of Private Treatment

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"Thanks." Adam drank everything down in one gulp.

"You need to rest. You've worked nonstop for seventy-two hours."

"Didn't really have a choice with that one," Adam reminded the younger girl while massaging the muscles at the back of his neck. A colleague's bachelor's party had ended up severely crippling the hospital's surgical unit, and Adam had ended up handling other doctor's case loads when both groom-to-be and four invited surgeons went down with a viral infection the following day.

"Well, you have a choice now," Joelle told him. "You have until next Friday off, so go home and get some sleep."

Adam frowned. "What about my meeting with the board?"

"Canceled by the CEO himself."

Adam only looked at her, but Joelle by now was well used to such a reaction. It was only when he was dead tired that her cousin's brain cells tended to work just a tad slower than usual.

"Yes, you heard me right," she said patiently. "You really do have that many days off, and we also havefoursurgeons in reserve for emergencies. You've earned this vacation, so..." Joelle smiled slyly. "Go and enjoy it with your mysterious girlfriend!"

Adam's shoulders finally relaxed. "I will, thanks."

Joelle's eyes widened. "I was just joking!"

"I wasn't."

"Oh my God, so you really do have a girlfriend? Who is it—-"

Adam walked out of the clinic, and Joelle was left talking to an empty room.


It was a struggle not to grin like a fucking fool as he walked to the nurses' station. He could finally see Temptation again, and hopefully, once she learned how crazy the past few days had been, she would understand why he hadn't been able to send her even a single text.

It took about half an hour before Adam was done giving last-minute instructions to the nurses handling his patients, and it was upon walking back that he saw a girl stepping out of his clinic.

What the hell?

Adam froze in his tracks.

He would know those lovely dark eyes of hers anywhere.

What the hell was Temptation doing coming out of his clinic?

How the fuck had she found him, and had he just caught her doing the same thing as Ilona had done?

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic