Page 65 of Private Treatment

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Adam had promised himselfhe would take things slowly with Temptation. But his noble intentions went straight out of the window as soon as he saw her come out of the en suite. She was pink from head to toe in embarrassment, and this was made all the more obvious since she had on a see-through hospital gown...sansher underwear.

Shy and bold as always, his Temptation was, and he just fucking wanted her all the more because of this.

"Come take a seat, Temptation."

She did as asked without a word, and Adam couldn't help staring at the way her sweet, small tits bounced delicately with every step she took.

God, she was so fucking hot, he just knew he had to be very careful not to lose control.

Dark eyes lifted to his as soon as she was seated, and Adam moved forward until his proudly jutting cock was just scant inches away from her parted lips.

He saw her gulp at the way his cock was just going fucking wild under his towel, and Adam had to stifle the urge to grip her hair so he could bury his cock inside her mouth.

Fucking control yourself, Adam Al-Masri.

The time would come when she would please him in such a way, but in the meantime...

"How are you feeling right now?"

Adam deliberately kept his tone clinical, and just as expected, the sound effectively reminded her that they each had roles to play, and the rigid set of her shoulders gradually eased.

"I'm fine, Doctor."

"Not nervous?"

"Just a little."

"Then've changed your mind about seeing the instrument I'm to use for your treatment?"

Adam almost smiled at how quickly she shook her head at this.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Doctor."

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic