Page 62 of Private Treatment

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Thisis why I know it's time I admit the truth.

I'm in love with a man whose face I haven't even seen.


"Oh no, Doctor."

The words come out all shaken and distressed, and real-life Leah is cringing inside of me because of it.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"I'm sorry," he says without missing a beat. "I thought you were the housekeeper."

He doesn't even blink as he utters the lie, and I'm not sure whether this impresses or worries me. He sure is good at lying, isn't he?

Dr. Somebody steps back. "Please come in."

Since I'm pretty sure even someone as innocent as Temptation would think twice about his invitation—-

"Are you sure, Doctor?" I tiptoe and pretend to peer hesitantly over at his shoulder. "I could wait outside if you wish..."

"Not much point in doing that, since this is where you'll be having your treatment."

"Oh."I can barely hear myself over the the sound of my heart pounding, and it beats even harder and faster as I finally step inside the suite and Dr. Somebody closes the door behind me.

The penthouse suite is even fancier than I imagined it to be. It has its own infinity pool, a massage room, and a wraparound balcony that happens to overlook Biscayne Bay.


I look away the moment I spot the familiar outline ofLady Pandaat the marina. It's a beautiful sight, sure, but looking at it only reminds me of the fact that I had to lie to Nik about my whereabouts, which I absolutely hated doing.

"Everything alright?"

I turn around as soon as I hear his voice, and I feel like fanning myself when I'm once again confronted by the sight of his rock-hard abs.

Seriously, though.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic