Page 60 of Private Treatment

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I'm finally down withmy last class for the day, but since our professor has already let us know in advance he'll be a couple of minutes late...

Just a little peek,I promise myself.

I only want to check if Dr. Somebody has texted me through the app, and only because I'm curious, not obsessed.


But when I see that Idohave one unopened message waiting from him, and I feel my heart skip a beat—-

Oh, shit.

I think I'm okay with being obsessed. It's shameful to be so, but I'd still rather be that love.

Which I'm not.

Or so I try to convince myself while finally clicking on his message.

Him:Hello, Temptation. I'd just like to confirm something about our upcoming consultation.

Me:Of course, Doctor.

Him:Will this be about your pre-existing condition?

Me:Yes, Doctor.

Him:Then I think we have a problem.

My brows shoot up.

Me:What problem?

Him:Your symptoms shouldn't have recurred this soon after treatment.

Me:Oh no. What does that mean?

Him:I'm sorry to say this, but you might have an addiction, Temptation.

Me:An addiction?! How can that be, Doctor?

Him:My treatments can be all too effective, and so it's been known to make some patients seek them even when they are no longer ill.

I can't help rolling my eyes even as my lips do their valiant best to ward off a smile. He's basically saying he's a sex god, isn't he?

Me:I don't think I'm addicted, Doctor.

Him:Then that's worse.

Me:What?! Why?!

Him:It's also possible that your body has developed an immunity to my current treatment, which would then leave us with one last recourse.

My heart starts banging against my chest as I type my next reply.

Me:And what's that?

Him:A patented liquid medication, to be injected directly into your uterus.

I end up choking as soon as I read his words, which causes the other kids to look my way.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic