Page 53 of Private Treatment

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Do you accept?

Joelle glanced up when the door to her cousin's consultation room burst open.

"Call me if anything's up," Adam told her. "I'll be back in an hour or so."

She wrinkled her nose at him. "I hate that look."

"What look?"

Joelle pointed at his face. "That look you've been sporting since yesterday. The one that says I'm-on-top-of-the-effing-world-because-I've-found-a-girl-who-actually-understands-what-doctors-do."

"I see." Adam rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. "I think this look is also called I-don't-give-a-damn."

His cousin groaned. "I can't take it anymore. You're so gross when you're this hap—-"

Adam pulled the door shut behind him, and just like that, he could no longer hear his cousin's rants.


He was already behind the wheel when his phone started ringing, and Adam switched to loudspeaker before answering the call.

"Dr. Somebody?"

It was Temptation, of course, and her voice just kept sounding more fuckable every time they talked.

"Hello, Temptation."

"You know I didn't really ask for treatment, right?"

Adam nearly smiled. "I understand how the app works, yes." SFI was all about reinforcing their chosen fantasy, which was why its AI program was designed to come up with new "encounters" for clients to enjoy.


The note of uncertainty in her voice immediately caught his attention. "What's wrong?"

"When I saw the notification from the app, I didn't think twice about saying yes."

"Neither did I, if that's what you're worried about?"

"It's not that."

His brows pulled together in a frown. "Then..."

"I just realized I should have cleared it with you first," Temptation says in a rush. "Now that I know what you do in real life, I just want you to know you're free to cancel on me anytime, and I totally won't mind. At all. Or ever."


"I would never want to intrude—-"

"I wouldn't let you even if you wanted to."

The words seemed to startle a laugh out of her. "Then I guess I worried for nothing."

"You did."

"I'm glad."

Adam's grip tightened around the steering wheel. His work was the one and only thing women hated about him, and yet Temptation was acting like his work was the hottest thing about him instead.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic