Page 20 of Private Treatment

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A rose for distraction he would look for this time, and while Adam was determined not to settle anything for less—-

The swiftness in which Yahweh answered his prayers caught him off guard, with Rashad approaching him that very night with an offer that had the handprint of fate written all over it.

"You want me to do fucking what?"

"A young woman will be waiting for you at your clinic," his cousin repeated. "Both of you will be wearing masks to protect your identities. You'll play the role of a conscienceless prick of a doctor, and she'll be the innocent little patient who believes every word you say."

"Are you fucking insane?"

Adam was in genuine disbelief, but in the back of his mind was a realization of undeniable clarity. What Rashad was asking for also happened to violate his most important rule, and that was to keep his personal life entirely separate from his work.

"Both of you will require medical clearance prior to meeting," Rashad went on to explain, "and the two of you will also sign a contract to ensure everything about this remains completely confidential."

"Do you think I'm some fucking stud?”

The other man rolled his eyes. "No, of course not. But you're not exactly a saint either."

"This is fucking insane." Adam rarely wasted time repeating himself, and the fact that he was doing so right now made him feel like his subconscious had already made a decision, and it was only his conscious mind that was presently grasping at straws.

"I can guarantee she's your type."

"I don't have a fucking type."

"Of course you do. The other party is not dumb, not easily intimidated, and not a gold-digger."

Adam's lips pressed in a straight line. Ilona had beenallof those things as well, but it had still not worked out between them.

"And we both know that kind of woman is few and far between."

Actually, Adamhadmanaged to find such a woman, but maybe that was the problem in the first place.

He was so used to being in control and not making mistakes, that he had thought finding himself a woman would be just as easy. But that was obviously not true, and wasn't that why his promise to Yahweh more or less meant trustingHimto make the next move?

Whoever this girl was could be the rose Yahweh had chosen for him, and Adam cursed under his breath when he realized there was only one way for him to find out the truth.


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