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“Of course not, Captain,” the one named Thomas said.

“Perfect.” Gently, he tugged the sprigs of holly from her fingers and then tossed them up to the footman standing upon the ladder. “Stick those in the boughs, my friend.” When he glanced at Belle, he grinned. “Are you of a mind to accompany me?”

“That largely depends on what you have in mind? I am quite busy here at the house. Christmas Eve is only two days off.”

“Pish posh, my dear. Can a man not take his intended out for an afternoon in the village without explanation?” Hawk tucked her hand through his crooked elbow as he led her from the room. “Perhaps we can browse the shops and go to Mrs. Miller’s tea café.” Besides, he would need to stop by his boardinghouse at some point to pick up more clothes and evening attire suitable for wearing to the ball.

“What brought on this generosity?”

“Is it that, though, when a man generally wishes to spend time with a woman for no ulterior purpose than he delights in her presence?”

Surprise flitted through her expression. “Perhaps you are correct.” She waved to Mrs. Peters as they passed in a lower corridor. “If this is merely to put forth our pretend engagement, rest at ease. We needn’t go if you would like to remain on the estate.”

“We will find that treasure all in good time, and perhaps we can go out after dinner and poke about, but for now, my top priority is to be with you.” He leaned into her and lowered his voice. “To see you happy.”

“I warned you last night you are too charming. You are no less that right now.” She clung a bit tighter to his arm. “To be honest, I would enjoy an afternoon away from decorating.”

“Then I shall endeavor to make your time out worthwhile.” And surprising enough, he looked forward to the afternoon as well.

Midway through tea service at Mrs. Miller’s tea café, Hawk couldn’t help but stare at Belle. She sat across the small round table from him, daintily nibbling from various sweets and pastries on the tray and looking for all the world as if this were the best outing she’d had in years. The robin’s egg blue of her dress enhanced the blue of her eyes, and as she chatted about what still needed to be done in preparation for the ball, anticipation lined her face.

She happened to catch his eye when she refreshed her teacup. “What? Do I have jam on my face?”

“No, of course not.” He set his cup on its saucer and continued to stare. “I am merely stunned at how beautiful you are today.”

Another blush stained her cheeks. “Such gammon you speak.”

“It’s true. Though I don’t know you well, it is easy to see that you are quite in your element during Christmastide.”

“I do adore everything about it. The sights, the sounds, the smells.”

“The dancing?” he asked softly with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, of course, but I don’t indulge as much in that as I once did.”

“Perhaps this year will be different.” No way would he reveal his secret.

“It already is since your arrival.” She dropped her gaze to her plate. “May I ask you a personal question?”

“Of course.”

“Are we not going to speak about what happened between us the other day in the tenant cottage?” Curiosity sparkled in her eyes. “Did that coupling mean anything to you beyond sharing a mutual need for release?”

Well, damn.

“Did it for you?” When she didn’t answer, he sighed. “You know I have been mostly honest with you, correct?” At her nod, he continued. “I have made it no secret I find you attractive, and yes, I wanted to bring you comfort that afternoon, but there was also a bit of bonding between us during that session.”

“I felt that too,” she said in a whisper. But she continued to stare at him with curiosity and need fighting for dominance in her eyes. “Once your mission has concluded, will you return to London?”

“I would imagine. The Home Office is located there, and for the moment, that is how I make my livelihood.” However, now, those plans seemed a bit flat. “What will you do?”

She shrugged. “I would imagine stay here.” When she raised her gaze, uncertainty ran riot in those lake blue depths. “Though it won’t be nearly as exciting.”

“You could always relocate to London as well and make use of the Ravenscroft townhouse.”

“And run the risk of tangling with Philip again?” An unladylike snort escaped her. “I would rather not. However, if I did manage to screw my courage to the sticking place, I might wish to rent a modest townhouse.”

The possibility of having her in Town the same time he was had awareness skating across his skin. “I think you should do whatever makes you happy, Belle. I suspect it’s been a long time since you let yourself be that.”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical