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The attention and caring sent tears into her eyes. “No, just my hand and arm.” When he explored her arm with his free hand, she wanted to cry from the joy of it as well as the relief. “Philip has never dared touch me in anger before. He hinted around about hidden treasure, which was why he was looking in the books.” Slowly, she shook her head. “He has grown dangerous, and I’m fearful of what he’ll do next he if truly thinks we know where those valuables are.”

“Then it’s fortunate that we don’t.” He lowered his voice. “For now.”

“I suppose.”

He raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back. “If you wish for me to land him a facer for the hell of it, I will.”

“Oh, you dear man.” Belle lifted onto her toes, looped her arms about his shoulders, and then quickly pressed her lips to his.

With a startled chuckle mixed with a slight groan, he pulled away and looked at her with surprise in his eyes. “What was that for?”

“I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and what you are doing.”

“Ah.” His hands slipped to her hips, and he held her a tad closer. “Well then, by all means, continue.”

She did, and for the next few moments, she lost herself in the glory that was her faux fiancé. For the time being, she would ignore the fact that none of this was real and that he had a mission to perform ahead of all other things. Eventually, she broke their connection, but only because she had to do something as pedestrian as breathe.

“Go fetch your outer wear.”

“Why?” His frown of confusion was adorable and sorely tempted her in wanting to kiss him again.

“Because I would rather die than let Philip find that treasure. He’ll go through it like water.” She took his hand and pulled him toward the door. When she glanced at him from over her shoulder, he was grinning like a loon.

“Then you are after adventure, hmm?”

“Of course.” Once in the corridor, she clung to his arm. “Why shouldn’t I have this and share it with you? It’s the most exciting thing in my life currently. Even above my love of Christmas.” Being with him, it was all too easy to admit truths to him she normally wouldn’t.

“Well, that is high praise indeed. I shall endeavor to make the next few days worthy of you.” Another chuckle escaped. Amusement danced in his eyes. “You have been a real brick, Belle. I rather hope we do find that treasure. If some of those items do get donated to the British Museum, they should go under your name. England should know that a woman was instrumental in recovering that stolen cache.”

Another piece of her heart flew into his keeping. “Careful now, Captain. Too much more of that charm, and I might wish to run away with you, treasure or not.”

Yet that trip would be short lived, for he would return to London once his mission was completed.

“Temptation indeed, Lady Ravenscroft.”

Chapter Eleven

December 22, 1819

“Bravo, Captain Hawkins! I believe you have nearly got it.” Mrs. Peters beamed as Hawk brought them both to a halt in the middle of the empty ballroom floor. Around the room, candles twinkled, and their flames danced.

The sun would rise in half an hour, but they’d agree to meet before sunrise and an hour after dinner each day until he’d mastered the steps of various dances.

“Well, I have been told I am a quick learner.” Though her praise warmed him. The multiple steps to a Vienna waltz were complex enough and had always stymied him, but now, as confidence surged, he grinned at the housekeeper as he executed a half bow from the waist. “You have no idea how much I appreciate these lessons.”

“Oh, I have some.” She winked. “I still think it’s admirable what you’re doing for Lady Ravenscroft. She will be delighted at the ball.”

“I certainly hope so.” Over the course of the lessons, Mrs. Peters as well as the butler had covered waltzes—Viennese as well as Continental—and a few reels. It was mind boggling knowing when to change partners as well as learn the intricate steps and hand holds within a few of them, but he had no doubts he’d have the gist of it by Christmas Eve. “Though I wish to buy Belle something, to give her a physical gift in addition to my learning how to dance. You must know the lady well. What sort of things does she prefer?”

When he’d seen her in contretemps with the viscount yesterday, he’d nearly lost his mind. That the man had the gall to mishandle her like that still had anger burning through his blood. No woman should be treated thusly, and that meant he’d been right in putting forth the faux engagement story. If Lord Ravenscroft was indeed after the missing treasure, he would become increasingly violent until it was found.

“The same things that every woman enjoys. Lace-edged handkerchiefs. Tiny bottles of perfume. Pretty fans. Ribbons for their hair or to use as embellishments on clothes and hats.” The housekeeper shrugged. “Or, if you wish to truly show her your intentions, procure an engagement ring or some other token of appreciation that she’ll soon be your wife.”

Hellfire and damnation.

“But I…” He couldn’t just blurt out the engagement was a bit of fiction.

One of the housekeeper’s eyebrows went up. “Is there something you wish to admit, Captain?” she asked in a low voice even though they were well and truly alone. Both Belle and the viscount wouldn’t stir from their beds for another hour or so, and the staff was involved in making breakfast preparations. Later, footmen would tack up the finishing touches of decorating to this room.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical