Page 36 of Yours to Protect

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She blinks, but I see a flash of hurt in her eyes before it’s gone. “Taking pictures.”

What? I look over and see her phone is extended out in her other hand. “We don’t need to kiss. It’s just a picture.”

Because one kiss from her might be the end of me.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to kiss you. Just make it look like it.”

I reluctantly nod. She gets into pose again and leans in until our lips are centimeters from each other. I hear her phone click through several photos then she pulls away and looks through them. She shakes her head. “They look posed. You’re all stiff.”

You have no idea.

I glance at the pics and she’s right. She doesn’t look quite at ease either. We try again and the results are the same.

She purses her lips, utterly annoyed. “You had to go and make things all weird with your anti-kiss rule.”

I snatch the phone out of her hand and bring up the camera then slip my hand behind her neck and drag her body into mine. She lets out a squeak of surprise, her whiskey eyes going wide.

I curl my hand into her hair, causing her head to lift to mine. “I need the anti-kiss rule. If I start to kiss you, I’m not going to stop. I’ll kiss every fucking inch of your body then tear those damn strings holding your suit together and fuck you so hard that neither one of us will be able to breathe.”

I tighten my hold in her hair and she shudders, a broken moan leaving her lips. I’m so hard I can’t see straight and all I want is to do everything I just said. Instead, I lean in and touch my nose against hers then step away.

I hand her phone back to her. “Here. Those should look real.”

She looks at me confused as she takes her phone then as what I said sinks in, her expression transforms to annoyed. “Are you kidding me?”

I smile at her and shrug. “You wanted a good picture.”

She narrows her gaze at me then glances at her phone. She swipes through the pictures before looking back at me. “Good job. I’ll have to remember that tactic.”

She tosses a sexy smirk my way before turning around and heading back into the house. “Get those steaks going. I’m starving.”

Ah, hell. What have I done?

* * *

The afternoon is pure torture. Autumn’s body is practically plastered to mine the whole time. We feed each other. We faux kiss. I can barely keep our poses PG-13 and I have no one to blame but myself. Autumn’s giving as good as she got.

We’re now in the pool loungers which thankfully forces space between us. She’s flipping through the first twoEnemy Minebooks and has a notebook handy, making notes. The author contacted her after her incident at the festival and loved the idea of Autumn playing Camilla. This spark of motivation finally had Autumn seriously trying to get an audition.

She’s been speaking to the author and her agent every day, and yesterday she finally had a breakthrough. She told me one of the casting directors is intrigued by Autumn’s interest, even though the rest of the execs don’t want to touch her with a ten-foot pole. The casting director said to have Autumn send an audition tape in and she’ll make sure it gets seen. If they like it, then hopefully Autumn will get a proper audition. Since then, Autumn’s been on the phone non-stop making arrangements.

“Have you found a videographer you want to hire yet?” I ask her.

“Oh, yes. Filming on Saturday.”

“Autumn, that’s six days away. You were supposed to let me vet him before you made the appointment.”

She waves her hand at me, never taking her eyes from her book. “I don’t have time for all that. He came recommended by Ed. He should be fine.”

“Fine doesn’t cut it. Send me all his information and where you’ll be filming this.”

She salutes in answer, still not looking up. Considering she hasn’t touched her notebook in a while, I’m guessing she’s lost in a scene and annoyed I’m interrupting.

“What part are you reading?”

She ignores me, but her body jerks slightly so I know she heard me. I wait.

“The sex club scene.”

Tags: Cate Ashton Romance