Page 54 of Lone Wolf

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“In the very place where we preach tolerance?”

She frowned, worry sneaking into her angry features. “That’s not the same.”

“You’re right. It’s not the same at all.” I stepped forward while keeping Matéo's hand close to my side. “It’s different. It’sbetter.”

“How is this better?”

I sighed. “You know vampires are all about their honor with each other, Sasha. Lars has been a fan of the tavern for years. He has respect for you. He would surely extend that respect to me if you made the request.”

“You’re twisting my arm here, sister.”

“What other options do we have? We barely made any progress on discovering what the hell caused this whole thing.”

Her brows knitted so hard together that it looked like they might get stuck that way. Those violet eyes burned with concern, a mixed look of anticipatory terror and fury writhing over her features. Heavens, she washurtby the request. Of all the ideas Matéo and I discussed, this one had the least repercussions.

Andonlybecause we could control the environment.

“It would push our neutrality a tick to the right,” Sasha stated while standing up. The fear drained from her face, replaced by the calculated businesswoman who managed one-fourth of an inn. “What would our customers say?”

“Not a damn thing,” I retorted. “We’ll close the tavern down for the afternoon and keep it under wraps. No one has to hear about it.”

She arched her brows and folded her arms across her chest. Now that was a look I hadn’t expected—it was one I saw her give Donovan whenever he was being obtuse.

My chest heaved with annoyance. “Sasha, I’m not acting like Donnie right now.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No, but you were expressing it just fine.”

She shook her head, the expression withering with the motion. “Fine. Alright. But I’m not a fan of this.”

“Are you saying you’re going to organize it?”

“I don’t…”

She sighed while closing her eyes. All the fight left in her body melted away and disappeared into thin air. It was like she was giving up.

And I felt bad about it.

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and then exhaled. “I’ll give Lars a call.”

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

“Rose, I hope you have your questions under control.” Her gaze flickered to Matéo. “As well as everything else.”

Matéo growled. I pressed my hand to his chest, soothing him with a simple glance, assuring him that everything would be alright.

“I’ll have to call Donovan, too.” My worried sister rubbed her temples. “Gods, he’s not going to be happy about this.”

“He’s already providing extra security. He might as well be prepared for this.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand the grudge he has against Domingo.”

“I think I understand perfectly,” Matéo cut in.

Sasha blinked rapidly, surprised by his announcement. He hadn’t spoken the entire time we were in here with me pleading my case. It was already neutral ground. The vampires couldn’t violate that. We could even get the council involved if necessary. Those logical arguments circulated in my head while I waited for Sasha to say something.

But she didn’t.

Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal