Page 52 of Lone Wolf

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Bruise frowned. “Charlotte said the vampires wanted to reverse their allergy to silver. Is that still a thing?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “But I do know they don’t mind spilling a lot of blood and innocence to get what they want.”

“That book—the spellbook—is still in Lorena’s hands, yes?”

She nodded. “It wasn’t useful for anything other than the reversal spell for Henry.”

“You know if it is fae magic,” Bruise offered thoughtfully. “You might be immune to it, Black Wolf.” They grinned majestically at me. “Voudrais-tu essayer?”


They cackled. “Very well, then.”

“What?” Rose looked frightened. “What did you…?”

“They asked me if I wanted to try it out—to test my ability to handle fae magic against my blood.”

Rose covered her mouth. “I mean if it helps the mystery…”

“It helpsno one,” I barked. “It would just be for your entertainment!”

The two were so tickled that they fell into a fit of laughter, forcing me to look back out the window. Their teasing amusement didn’t entertain me in the least. I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to give them anything, not even a chiding word. They could have their laughter. I would just stay inside my head instead.

But I couldn’t ignore them.

“We need to find out what Domingo knows,” I suggested. “We might have to ask.”

“That’s a daring idea,” Bruise commented, the amusement gone from their voice. “You want to ask the very vampire who wants to grab you? That’s almost suicide.” They looked pleased. “How adventurous.”

Rose sighed, “Bruise.”

“My apologies, Miss Rose.”

“Focus,” she insisted with a warm grin. “Do you think it would help? Is it worth trying?”

“Considering you don’t have access to much aside from what you already have…” They scratched their chiseled chin. “I think it might be worth pursuing.”

Rose sighed with exasperation. “Sasha is going to hate this idea.”

“Well, set it up here in the inn. You can meet in the tavern. As long as everyone abides by the rules of the council, then no harm shall come to pass.”

“Will you attend?” she asked. “Just in case? You’ve been so helpful to us.”

I squinted at Bruise. But the fae paid me no mind.

They nodded. “It would be my pleasure to serve the wolves of Sunrise Mill. As always, dear Rose.”

“You’ve helped before?”

“Many times,” Rose cut in. “Gosh, Bruise has been such a lifesaver. They got Sasha and Donovan out of certain danger. They have a whole library in their brain.”

Bruise shrugged nonchalantly. “Not enough to help in this case. That medallion looks like a family heirloom more than anything worn for war or wealth.”

All eyes fell on me.

It was almost nerve-wracking.

“And it’s your family name, Black Wolf,” Bruise pointed out. “Which makes this your heirloom.” They grinned mischievously. “And so, the mysterydeepens.”

Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal