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‘Go on.’

‘What did you see in him? James, I mean.’

‘I honestly can’t remember. I’m sure he wasn’t like that when I fell for him, though.’

‘Do you think he still holds a candle for you? There’s obviously something going on there.’

‘I don’t think he can help himself. In fact, I’d be surprised if he and Becky last the distance, despite what his mother says.’

‘When did you see her?’

‘Yesterday morning. I bumped into her when I was out for a walk. She wasted no time in telling me that Becky fits in much better than I ever did, and basically did everything to run me down.’

‘I’m no expert, but you seemed to understand how things work around here pretty well. Better than I do, anyway.’

‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to let her get to me. She’s nothing to me, and her opinions don’t matter either. I think I got that point across.’

‘I bet you did. She’s probably terrified of you now.’

‘I doubt it!’ I laugh.

‘You’re pretty ferocious when you need to be.’

‘I’m not sure she’s the type to be scared of anyone. Anyway, she’s not my problem.’

* * *

I don’t think I’ve ever been so pleased to see my flat as when I walk through the door that evening. I did knock on Elliott’s door, but there was no answer, so I’ve obviously missed him. I’m surprised by the force of my longing for him. He’s so totally different to James in every way, and every one of those differences makes me love him more. I have no idea where we’ll end up, but I’ve got a really good feeling about him. After unpacking and putting on a load of washing, I decide I don’t want to be alone for the evening, so I call Bronwyn, who answers on the second ring. Katie will be at uni, so I know she’s on her own.

‘I’ve been thinking about you,’ she tells me. ‘How did it go with the ex and everything?’

‘If you’re free, I was thinking of getting some fish and chips. You’re welcome to join me. I’ve even got a bottle of wine in the fridge, I think.’

‘That sounds very tempting, but I’ve already got a shepherd’s pie in the oven. It’ll easily stretch for two, though. Why don’t you come over?’

Five minutes later, I’m standing outside her door clasping the bottle. I can’t help smiling when she greets me, as she’s wearing a pair of overalls so covered in paint it’s difficult to tell what the original colour of them was.

‘Sorry,’ she says as she stands aside to let me in. ‘I’ve been painting all day today and I haven’t got around to getting changed. Let’s get a couple of glasses, and then I want to hear all about it.’

The shepherd’s pie is delicious and, by the time I’ve filled her in on Catriona and the sugar daddy set-up, James’ sexual advances, and Emily’s trauma, the bottle is nearly empty.

‘Are you going to tell Elliott what James did?’ she asks, as I’m getting ready to leave.

‘I already have. He was really nice about it, actually.’

‘I thought he would be. Honesty is always the best policy, don’t you think? If you hadn’t told him, it would only have come and bitten you at some point in the future.’

‘You’re probably right. I can’t tell you how much I’m missing him. I think he’s away all week.’

‘Bummer. It’s funny how he’s started having to travel so much for work all of a sudden, isn’t it?’

‘I think it’s a temporary thing,’ I tell her. ‘Just until he’s wrapped up the project he’s working on.’ I love Bronwyn, but I’m not going to tell her about Nutsy, as she’s not the most discreet person in the world and I’m not sure Elliott is ready for the whole of Sevenoaks to know who he is.

As I climb the steps towards my flat, I’m looking forward to collapsing into bed. This weekend has really taken it out of me, and I’ve never been more grateful for Annabel’s rule about time off in lieu. It’s just a shame that Elliott isn’t here to share it with me.

The stairwell light goes out just as I’m pushing the key into my door and something catches my eye. There’s a strip of light below Elliott’s door. The tiredness falls away instantly and my heart starts beating hard. Could it be?

I knock gently on his door and the banging in my chest intensifies when I hear footsteps on the other side. The door opens, and there he is. He looks just as tired as I was feeling until a few moments ago, and there are bags under his eyes, but his smile is as dazzling as ever.

Tags: Phoebe MacLeod Romance