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‘Good question. I did go and look at a couple of swanky houses. They were very nice, but they just offered a bigger space for me to rattle around in. I’m not a particularly ostentatious person. I briefly considered fulfilling every teenage boy’s fantasy and buying a Ferrari, but I realised I’d feel like a tit in it as soon as I got to the dealership and sat in one. I never thought I’d say this, but it’s only when you have money that you realise all the things it can’t buy you. Yes, I could fly first class to the Caribbean and stay in a top-notch resort, but what’s the point if I’m just going to be there by myself? I’d love to give a chunk of it away, and I’ve got a pile of begging letters from various people and organisations who have also found out who I am, but I just don’t know how to prioritise them or who to believe. I don’t want to be taken in by some gold-digger or fall victim to a scammer, so I haven’t done anything. All this money is just sitting in my savings account and I don’t have the first idea what to do with it. The bank keeps writing to me, offering investment options and so on, but what if I unwittingly end up with shares in a company that sends children down mines or something? I’d never forgive myself. So, I just carry on as normal and try to pretend that everything is the same as it always was. I know I sound ridiculous, but I haven’t talked to anyone about the money side of it. You’re the first.’

He looks genuinely sad and my heart goes out to him.

‘I can help you, if you want,’ I tell him.


‘Well, if you need someone to come to the Caribbean with you, I’m sure I could force myself.’

‘You’re all heart.’ At least he’s smiling again.

‘Relax, I was kidding. It seems to me like what you need is some good, impartial advice from someone who’s been where you are and knows the right people. I’m going to go home, have a shower and get dressed, and then we’re going to go on a little road trip, okay?’

Elliott looks less than enthusiastic. ‘I’d rather hoped, you know…’

I’m so focused on his revelations about Nutsy that it takes me a minute to work out what he’s talking about. As the penny drops, a smile spreads across my face.

‘Well, you’d better put some clothes on and nip to the pharmacy then, hadn’t you?’

* * *

I can tell that Bronwyn is struggling to contain her curiosity when Elliott and I walk into the café together just over an hour later. I hope she doesn’t spot my post-coital glow, but it’s hard not to grin like a Cheshire cat. Our repeat performance was everything I could have wanted it to be. After breakfast, we’re going to head off to East Sussex, where Dad is waiting to talk him through his options.

‘I’m going to have to bail tonight, I’m afraid,’ I tell Bronwyn when I go up to the counter to place our order.

‘Got a better offer, have you?’ she grins. ‘Does it involve elusive Elliott? You are a dark horse, Sophie, that’s for sure.’

‘I’ll tell you all about it another time, I promise.’

‘You’d better!’ she laughs. ‘This is a story I can’t wait to hear. Now, go and entertain your new friend while I get your orders on.’ She emphasises the word ‘friend’ and grins mischievously, before skipping away towards the kitchen.

I study Elliott as I walk back to the table. What is our relationship? Given what we’ve just done together, I’ve kind of assumed we’re an item now. But we haven’t said anything about it, and I feel suddenly insecure.

‘Elliott,’ I say, when I sit down, ‘can I ask you a question?’

‘Of course.’

‘You and me. Are we a thing?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Are we, you know, dating now?’

‘Would you like us to be?’

‘I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl. Or even a one-night-and-the-following-morning stand kind of girl. If you’re not ready for more, you need to tell me now.’

His blue eyes lock on to mine. ‘Sophie, I’d love us to be a thing, as you put it. I know it’s a risk and we’ve both been hurt before but I’ve been attracted to you ever since that first day when I saw you on the train. When you moved in opposite me, I couldn’t believe how much I looked forward to seeing you on the platform each morning.’

‘You have a really funny way of showing people you’re attracted to them, you know that? I’d hate to think how you would have been towards me if you hadn’t liked me,’ I laugh.

‘I guess I was scared of being hurt again, and my confidence was in the bin. It was only when you invited me to have dinner with you that first time that I began to think we could be more than neighbours.’

‘But what about the dating app? Why did you sign up to that if you were secretly interested in me?’

‘Because you sounded like you wanted to get out there again and I wanted to be a good friend and support you.’

‘But that’s what I was doing for you!’

Tags: Phoebe MacLeod Romance