Page 96 of His Talisman

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The doctor was waiting.

“Oh. Oh, I should say, thank you for apologizing.”

“Good. I thought we should get a little more involved in the party. Sound good, Cassius?”

“Yes, sir.”

Was that ‘sir’ new? It was what Cassius had used when addressing Jacob.

The doctor stepped forward and detached my leash from the column then he reached up and took me about the waist, swinging me down and steadying me. “Can I have a moment with her, Cassius?”

“Absolutely.” He walked away until out of earshot and stood at attention further along the corridor, like a soldier on parade. He looked lonely down there, and I resolved to tell the doctor of his intervention with Jacob, if Cassius did not.

“Now, Charity.” The doctor picked me up again and encouraged me to wrap my legs about his waist. He steadied my back against the wall, removed the mask, and locked eyes with me. “Here is a more serious question that I need an answer to. Remember how I said I wanted to keep you?”

I nodded.

“This is one of those pivotal times. I won’t send you back to live in my other house, but I need the truth on this, or else.” Thator elsewas scarier than I would’ve imagined. Did he mean to leave me with someone else? I wanted things as they were, but with just a little more freedom.

“I want to be with you,” I said, sounding timid. Fuck, I was not timid. I was just worried. “You and Cassius.”

“Tell me why you were diving in the sea at that spot, so often. Why you risked your life to do so.”

“Because I’m crazy and because…”


I had to tell him, didn’t I? I searched his eyes, and he gave me the hint of a smile, making crinkly smile-lines spread. Maybe that was his way to reassure me, but it looked so sexy on this mysterious man with his beautiful face and cruel ways. These powerful arms securing me seemed strong enough to hold back the world.

He adjusted his grip, his big hands shifting to a place well beneath my rear. His body pressed me into the wall, spreading my legs, making me hot. I almost whined. Instead I caught my lip in my teeth. His smile broadened. All those secrets I hadn’t quite deciphered poured into my head.

If I told him the truth about the dive, what would he do? Was he a hundred years old, and did it matter to me?

To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in a while.

I’m taking a shitload of risks though, aren’t I?

I heaved in a breath and rattled out, “I was diving there because there’s a cavity beneath the tower that was bombed in WW2, and an undersea tunnel leads to it. That’s why.” When he looked alarmed, I hurriedly added, “There’s also an air pocket I could breathe.”

“Okay. Okay.” He bowed his head before looking at me again. “And what did you find?”

“Stuff?” My own smile was ragged. “I found a photo of a man who appears to be you, taken seventy-five years ago, on his wedding day, with his wife, Patricia Romanus.”

“Huh. You did, did you. Thank you for being honest, Charity. Cassius! Let’s go have some fun.”

That was all? Openmouthed, I looked up at him.

He lowered me to stand on my bare feet on the floor tiles, then pulled the mask back into place over my face. With gentle precision, he swapped out the generic black collar for the spiked one Cassius had chosen weeks ago.

With my head to the side and leaning into his coat and shirt, I stared at his hands as he finished doing up the buckle—his sure fingers, the capable shape of them, the callouses. This was a symbol to me and surely also for him. “Everything is okay?”

“Yes. Except, we are all having a very big conversation later.”

“What big talk?” Cassius asked as he strolled over.

“You’ll see. First, we need to show off our little fucktoy to the other members.”

My eyebrows rose at that and so did my excitement.

Tags: Cari Silverwood Romance