Page 9 of His Talisman

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I nodded, stiffly. My heart was thumping away at me as if I were running a race with a monster chasing me.

He leaned in and took my hand then kissed the back. “Good. Follow me.” He waved to the gardener. “You, too, Javier.”

There was the twist. Javier was coming with us.

My eyes swiveled independently of my thoughts, to the gardener then I fastened my gaze to the back of the doctor, as he turned the door handle and pushed. “Wait!”

He faced me. “Yes?”

“I’m…” I looked around at the garden and the sky, at this man who dwarfed me, whose shoulders were twice mine in width. The doctor warranted afee-fi-fo-fumwhen he walked. He might do anything to me once he had me where he wanted me. “Am I just to be some sort of sex slave? How can I tell what the truth is here?”

“The truth is that this is my house, and I can buy a woman easily. A hooker for a day is easier than this. The truth is they were going to dispose of you, from the beginning. Instead, I used what influence I have to bring you here.”

That truth was so very evil, but I had expected nothing else when I sat on the bunk on that ship…when I was sprawled on the deck with those animals abusing me.

“If this is your house…” A bunch of light bulbs came on in my mind. The servants, the guards, the cameras were all his. I fumbled through the logic. “Maybe this was your aim all along. You could still kill me and bury me after you’re done.”

“And? Yes, you are going to be a sexual amusement for me. I require something in exchange for this. I waited to see if you were suited.”

“Oh. Suited?” I muttered a curse. “You’re a cruel man.”

“Only to women who like my cruelty.” He held up his hand to stop Javier, who had come nearer, as if to guard the doctor. “It’s okay. Charity, I am a man of my word. I don’t expect only sex. I want conversation and companionship. If you fail at that, if you bore me, then, yes, you’ll be returned here. Is it a deal?”

I raised an eyebrow. “I have to not bore you? I don’t know how to juggle or tell jokes.”

“I’m not looking for a circus performer. I like complex people. Surprise me, sometimes.”

How was I supposed to know what complex meant? “You drive a hard bargain.”

He tilted his head slightly, then made a slow deliberateXon his chest. “And I promise I won’t cut out your heart and eat it, or not unless I absolutely, positively have to.”

Was that a sense of humor?

“Ha.” I did like my heart to stay inside me.

He leaned a shoulder on the door, which had been trying to shut. “Still unsure? I saw your interest when I examined you. You asked for truth. Think on your own truth. You like me.”

“And you’re fucking arrogant.”

“Also guilty.” He released the door and stalked toward me until I had to decide whether to retreat or have him loom over me, breathe on me. Slowly, he slipped his hands about my throat to either side, holding me in place.

These weren’t the hands that last bruised me. These felt awesome.

I shuddered and felt myself clench below. My toes curled.

His thumb tips dug into my jaw, pushing up, hurting me, and making me tilt my head and look at him. “Give me no fucking lies. You like me touching you, and it gets you all hot. Am I right?”

My swallow moved my throat against his hands. I blinked at him.

His thumbs dug in harder.

I tried to be serene, but my face contorted as I considered this agonizing question. The heat of his body and his firm grip on my neck were so distracting.

“You’ve put me on the spot. I guess that’s true?” I shut my eyes. “Yes, you do make meummmcurious, about you.”

“Curious?” He chuckled. “That’s good enough, for now. Is it a deal, little girl?”

Little girl. A shiver ran through me. When a Dom called me that, I melted, just a fucking tad. I rallied and managed a whisper. “Yes?”

Tags: Cari Silverwood Romance