Page 56 of His Talisman

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“Watch your step, wherever you go, whatever height you climb to, or trail you’re on. Remember the staff are here to help you,” the doctor said, before he kissed me, hand wrapped about my throat, as per his normal kissing routine. “Want her?”

“Absolutely,” Cassius had answered, and the doctor had handed me over. He too kissed me, only using my hair instead of my neck to keep me still.

I staggered when he released me and needed a moment to compose myself. I was tingling in all the intimate places.

Cassius grinned at my unsteadiness. He hauled me back to him with a finger in theV-front of my dress. “Got a smudge there.” He thumb-wiped something from the corner of my mouth.

I thanked him, if quietly, then dared to sneak another kiss from him—he’d been breathing on me from inches away.

They walked away to the helicopter, and I waved with the rest of the staff, while thinking how surreal this was, being left to roam a whole island, with only five other people to talk to or turn to for help. It was an alien experience. I couldn’t leave. I may as well have been on Mars.

* * *

Eating breakfast at the big dining table with staff watching me was entirely weird. I had three days before the doctor and Cassius would get back, and I resolved to spend that time finding out as much as I could and exploring the island. In tandem, really—explore, detective, and also getting myself into trouble. There at the back of my mind was a whisper,dare you to go to the Inner Sanctum. What had he threatened me with? The loss of my soul? Pfft. Souls were overrated.

He’d also saidoff limits, for now, which made it less of a forbidden place, surely?

Once I detailed my need to go on walks and have small adventures, apart from Inigo sighing and making me promise to take the emergency pendant with me, I was left to do as I wished. The chef would prepare food. I unearthed the phone and tucked it into a small backpack, along with swimmers, hat, sunscreen…and a small knife I stole from the kitchen.

This could be paradise. I even had a library full of books, and probably I could get Doctor Romanus to bring me more, if I begged him.

I decided to do that, as I gazed around the shelves of the library. The framed keys were the elephant in the room. I could not stop glancing at them. What if one of those worked? I would take a pic of the Inner Sanctum lock to see if I could guess which key might match it.

Inigo was watching me from the far wall, judgmental in every aspect of his expression, stance, and villainous black eyebrows, like an uncle babysitting a ten-year-old who wanted a cookie from the jar. If I came here often, he might see me as less a danger?

“Do you read epic fantasies, Inigo? Romances?” I ran a finger along the spines of the shelved books. War stories? Spies?”

“Sci-fi, miss. I prefer that or fantasy.” He relaxed a little, hands unclenching from one another. “The doctor lets me choose one to read. Sometimes I bring one back from my days off.”

“Oh.” I half-pulled out a well-read copy ofShantaramthen gently slid it back into place.

“If there is anything you want, just tell me or the doctor.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

It was curious how placidly he spoke, as if that sexual fiasco in the dining room the first day had gone unnoticed. Maybe he was used to such things. I was not. Or not in front of strangers. What would the doctor do or think if I pretended to be blasé?

He’d find something else to challenge me with. That was his way. That whole schtick about suturing bits of me was probably another mindfuck more than anything. Even if Cassius had seen him do it to another woman. The CNC they subjected me to still appeared to be proper CNC, if one ignored that power imbalance. I hoped so because I couldn’t get off this island. Not unless a stray yacht or aircraft came here. Paddling a surfboard away would be suicidal.

I pulled out a few more books and thought about how to take a photo of the keys in the frame. I couldn’t, I decided, not with Inigo here.

“Am I allowed to drive the cars somewhere, by myself? To go on a walk only,” I added hurriedly. “Not to swim.”

“Yes. It’s allowable, miss.”

“Thanks. See you later.” I gave him an amiable finger wriggle-wave and headed for the door, praying he’d stay where he was.

He did.

Fuck yeah.

I took a breath outside the closed door, staring at the Inner Sanctum door while I searched in my backpack for the phone. I wore the light coat Cassius had hidden it inside, which I’d found unscathed in the cupboard. Now to take a fast pic. I should have experimented. Some phones were set to make audible clicks, and I was not sticking around to figure out settings. I took the chance and snapped two pics then scurried down the stairs.

Step one on my to-do list checked off.

The car was nothing unusual, apart from being a stick shift with only three gears plus reverse, in addition to having no proper sides and looking as if it might dissemble itself any second. The gears grated as I shifted, which might have been my amateur driving. I set off down the narrow, branch-framed road, and felt this amazing lifting of stress from my chest.

Tags: Cari Silverwood Romance