Page 37 of His Talisman

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“No, you don’t. You’ll learn. Now I’m going to hose you down, with extreme prejudice, and watch you squirm like a little worm on my hook, then I’m going to fuck you, like I should have earlier. Then we both get to go upstairs. Okay?”

I swallowed. “Yes?”

“And you get a safeword in the morning. Ready?”

I nodded. This wasalmosttoo nice, too gentle.

He began to stand and took a handful of my hair as he did so. The pain and the pull was instant. I shrieked and followed him up to mitigate the pressure on my scalp. As I rose on my knees, I grabbed at his wrists. The transition had been unexpectedly cruel.

What did I expect?

“Do I have to cuff you? Hands away.”

I’d been clawing at him. I drew them to my back and waited and, thank god, the pull was less. I was very aware of where he’d raked his fingers into the top of my hair. He twisted it, and I gritted my teeth to stop myself yelping.

“I get half my fun from reading people and finding out who they are,” he said, in a detached tone, “what turns them on, and how they react to stimuli. Both you and Cassius are…interesting. It’s why I used to take on lost girls.”

He picked up the hose which had a spray gun attached to the end, aimed it at me, and pulled the trigger. The cold spray hit me, pouring over my chest, and he walked around me, thoroughly drenching me and running it over my back.

“Spread your legs, Charity.”

I opened them, opened my eyes, too, and shook water out of my face. My nipples had instantly scrunched in and were aching. I was still on my knees and swept away by his contradictions. Kind then sadist, then kind again. I was in the middle of a hurricane.

The water poured between my legs, and this was the least efficient bath ever. When he tossed away the hose and walked behind me, I wiped water from my face with both hands.

“How many lost girls?” I said, thinking to sidetrack him even as he pushed me forward onto my hands and pried apart my cheeks.

“Some. I don’t trust you enough to say. This may feel odd but seeing you recently climaxed…” I heard a rustle.

Something metal and smooth was pushed at my ass and revolved. I gasped. Fuck. Where had that come from?

“You’ve had a plug in here before? It’s pre-lubed. I almost used it at dinner.”

I gritted my teeth and tried to relax because it was for the best. I didn’t want this particular sort of hurt. “Once.”

“Only once.Tsk.Open wide, girl.” I could hear his fucking amusement.

After a moment, where I was sure I could never stretch that far, it popped into my ass. I gave a strangled gasp. Water was dripping from my hair and nipples to the paving, and now I had a butt plug in me.

“That’s big enough to stay in for a while. I hope. If it falls out tell me, or I’ll replace it with an elephant-sized one. Say yes.”

“Yes. I will.” This was said in my best resigned voice.

His palm landed on my back. “Stay there.” Then he sighed. “Sadly, for you, this isn’t working for me.” There was a tinkle and a scraping sound.

I was wet, getting colder, and what was he doing?

Then came the distinctivewhiskof a belt pulled through the loops. Now I knew what was coming.

The first slash of the belt made me hiss, but he only gave me five more across my butt, and the broader smacks were nothing compared to the cane. They only turned me on even more. I was such a slutty masochist, and I was sure he knew.

Without words or further warning, he pressed his cock to my pussy and speared inside, with all the force of a freight train churning up the tracks. It was efficient fucking with little regard to my excitement, and luckily this whole night had wrenched my head into Fuckville time. I couldn’t help my response. I stretched out my arms, kept my knees on the towel so as not to get shredded, and enjoyed the ride.

At the last, his hand pressed on the back of my neck, making me bow onto my arms, and he lifted my ass higher and plowed me even harder—jarring onto the plug as he did so.

I was gasping outfuckevery few thrusts as he thudded in his cock, bruising me and squelching in, lubricated by a mix of come, my wetness, and water. My knees would shift, I’d creep them back as much as possible, and he’d fuck himself into me, shoving me forward again. My groans came out as splutters that bubbled on the paving near my mouth, and the night turned blacker, as my world focused inward on the animalistic connection between our rocking bodies.

His last ragged grunt ended with his cock planted, seemingly, in my guts, and I groaned and spread myself and arched more. I clawed at the ground as he jetted. God, the feeling of that, of a man coming, it was something to be nailed to the back of my mind, forever.

Tags: Cari Silverwood Romance