Page 118 of His Talisman

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I turned over on my back, with that vast blue sky above and sandwiched between my guys.

“I’ve definitely decided I’m not going anywhere. I would sink another knife into my chest to save us, if I that was what the situation needed. Or into someone else’s chest.”

Lunch was coming. Or brunch? I’d heard the door open and here was Inigo heading down the path, balancing a tray.

“If I am free now, to do as I wish, can I please see Emme?”

“I will arrange this. Perhaps Emme can meet you here.”

Now that future prospect made me happy.

Once we were sitting up, eating, and trying to not spill food or drink on the quilt, I found myself coming up with more ideas. I placed my fork on the plate.

“Is it worth excavating the fallen tower to recover whatever is there, doctor?”

The doctor nodded. “Possibly. I’ll have to think about it.”

“Am I considered legally dead?” I stared at the doctor and Cassius in turn. “I am, aren’t I? Since before I came to you.”

“No. No longer dead. You have a new ID. A new last name,” the doctor explained. “It’s been done.”

“Doctor.” I pursed my lips. “What do I call you from now on? Isn’t doctor getting old? I should have a proper name for you. Romanus meanscitizen of Romeso calling you Roman would be—”

“Old? An interesting concept. But I agree. Call me Hulk.”

That name did suit him.

We sat there talking, about how the doctor was going to keep working, and if I or Cassius wished to, we could study something that interested us, such as engineering or how to hack a quantum computer. According to the doctor, living forever meant bettering your education. The quantum hacking had been my suggestion. In the middle of it all, I realized that apart from some kisses and hugs, this had been markedly non-sexual. Were they treating me with kid gloves due to my recent resurrection, so to speak? I’d been close to fucking dead, hadn’t I? Were they scared to hurt me?

Perhaps they were.

That night, I lay between them in bed, listening to their breathing slowly wind down. Cassius began to snore, as he often did, and I sneaked my hand under both of their big warm hands, with all the manly bumps and callouses, and I wondered how I had ever gotten this lucky.

“Hey.” The doctor gently pulled me over to him, until I was cradled in the hollow between arm and shoulder. “Just know that you’ve given me life. I love you both more than I can ever say.”

“That’s so beautiful.” I kissed the side of his chest. “Thank you for saving me, and you know I love you.”

Cassius stirred. “Hey. Me too, sweet thing. Me too. Love you, including even that big hairy man with the stethoscope and bad bedside manner.”

“If you were a sub, Cassius, I’d be making you pay for that,” Hulk added with a grumble. Cassius snorted.

I think the doctor wanted to say more, but he lapsed into silence.

It was enough, what had been said, more than enough.

I kept my hand in his and felt myself coasting into sleep as the wind outside sighed across the rooftop with the churn of the surf lending a minor distant key. I was safe, finally, and in the arms of my lovers.

The next morning, I woke first—it was the order in which we often woke. Me then doc, then Cassius. I thought about coaxing them to do something to me, to have madly kinky sex but I guess I was not ready, and they were still playing it safe and gentle.

I wasn’t normally one for gentle.

The day passed. We slept and woke without anything particularly sexual happening. Were they wanking while I wasn’t looking? Had this ritual scared all the sperm from their bodies? I was being silly and yet starting our relationship again was curiously difficult. I wasn’t used to being the instigator.

Maybe I should begin this? Right now, there was no CNC. There was in fact no C, no N, and no C.

The next morning, I lay flat on my back, awake, for more than a few minutes, watching the sun sidle in across the ceiling, before I made a decision. I sneaked from under the sheets and watched and waited. Both remained oblivious. I grabbed the sheet and began stealthily pulling it off them, until both were uncovered to their knees. Cassius was wearing boxers, while the doctor aka Hulk slept naked. I was wearing PJ shorts but no panties.

Hulk woke up and eyed me from partly closed lids. “Hmmm?”

Tags: Cari Silverwood Romance