Page List


“Somewhere from our list.” I grin.

Chapter 27


Hiskissesleavemebreathless, and in those moments, the giddiness and butterflies of being with him return. But I need to keep myself a little weary in case Aria was only telling her father what he wanted to hear, or even him hearing what he wanted to hear. I don’t want to be hurt in the process, so I’m a little unsure how to take this surprise.

We are standing outside the building and his face is shining in the sun, his open megawatt smile on display, and I can’t help but smile with him. For the rest of the day, I’ll keep an open mind and try to trust him that Aria really is okay with us, but I’ll tell him I want to talk to her alone before we get back together.

“I can mark one off the list,” he says, grabbing my hand and gently squeezing it.

I frown, wondering which one we’ve already done. As we turn the corner, he says, “Holding hands, and the second one is about to happen.”

My lips part slightly, and my heartbeat quickens as I take a look around for a clue. My hand finds my mouth when I see it.

“Get coffee,” I say, taking in the cute little café, and my dry mouth is very appreciative of the idea of getting a drink. Stepping inside, the wooden counter displays muffins and cakes, which all looking mouth-watering. The plants and pendant lighting are unusual, but so cozy and chic—I love it.

We approach the counter, and he orders our drinks and when they’re ready, we go back to holding hands and walking the streets.

His hand in mine feels fitting, and it’s not helping my racing heart at all. The nerves and excitement are mixed, and I don’t know if I really needed the caffeine right now, but it’s so damn tasty.

“What else is on this list?” I ask, peeking up at him, his profile enhanced by the sun. His high cheekbones, five-o’clock shadow, and full brows surrounding his brilliant eyes have me transfixed. He sips his coffee and then turns to me.

“You don’t remember?” He raises a brow with a grin that goes from ear to ear.

Suddenly I feel embarrassed to confess. I bite my lip and whisper, “Not all of it.”

“Well, lucky I wrote them all down.” He winks.

“Really?” I ask, perking up.

“Yes, but I only want to do a couple more and save the rest for another time.”

We stand at the lights, waiting to cross, and I face him. “I love that idea. But which ones are we doing today?”

“One, we are doing right now…” He leans forward, leaving a swift kiss on my lips, and I almost whimper. But thankfully, the excitement of guessing what we are doing makes me drop my plea for a longer and much deeper kiss.

I look around, sipping my coffee, and it clicks. “A long walk,” I rush out excitedly.

“Yes,” he says as he kisses my temple. We walk across the road, then along the park, and I wonder what Aria’s up to.

“How’s Aria doing?”

He smiles over at me with a dazed look. “She’s good. Much better, actually. Our talk was really eye opening.”

I look up at him with a small smile, but I’m still nauseas about the conversation I will have alone with her. I want to do it sooner rather than later if he wants us to progress. I just need to hear it from her for me to relax.

“When can I see her and have a chat?”

“Tomorrow? I’m sure she would love to come around to apologize, if that’s okay. She’s a little worried you hate her.”

“Of course, I don’t hate her.” My heart drops that she would think that. I don’t want to make her feel worse for apologizing. “She doesn’t have to—”

His eyes narrow, and I close my mouth as he says firmly, interrupting me, “Yes, she does.”

It’s not like I can argue; it’s his daughter. I sigh. “Okay, but I don’t want her forced to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

“I wouldn’t force her. She wants to do this. The reason she reacted to you like that was because she didn’t want to lose me, but now she realizes I’ll still make one-on-one time with her. And she’s still my priority.”

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance