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“I’ve been deep cleaning the kitchen.”

“Isn’t it too early for nesting?”

“I’m not nesting. I just feel nauseous seeing all the dirt.”

I scrunch up my nose. “If it makes you feel better, then do it. Do you want me to let you go?”

“No. No. Talk to me. I’ll just finish the stove while we talk.”

“Doesn’t Josh have a cleaner?”

I’m totally confused. Why is she cleaning if she doesn’t have to? It’s the worst chore, yet she is doing it by choice.

“Yeah, but I don’t want her doing that.”

“Why not? She’s the cleaner? You hire her to clean.”

“You sound like Josh.”

“Because you’re pregnant and we don’t want you doing things you don’t have to do.”

“I know you both care and I love you both, but I’m fine. I’m totally capable of doing this.”

“Fine,” I mutter.

“Let’s change the topic, and you need to tell me about the movie last night.”A stupid grin appears on my face just being reminded of it. “Well, I’ll start with Aria. She was cute and so easy to be around. Even in silent times when it should have been awkward, it was surprisingly okay.”

“That’s good, so you’re warming to the idea of her.”

I pause a beat. Really thinking deeply. How did it feel to be with them?

“Yeah, I am. Even sitting there, just the three of us, it was nice. We watched the movie, ate snacks, and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all.”

“So what does this mean? Will you date him?”

“I had two hours at their house, only speaking to them for maybe thirty minutes. I want more time, but I guess I’m leaning toward a yes.”

“I say dive in and get to know them in time.”

I shake my head at her eagerness. “He hasn’t asked me out. And I don’t know how it will affect my job. But I’ll decide in the moment how I feel. But we kissed.”

She gasps. “No way. When?”

“I was going to walk home, but he insisted I let his driver take me.” I laugh. “You should have seen his face when I tried to argue with him. He wasn’t having it.”

“They have no idea about the streets, do they?” She laughs.

“No. We find comfort walking them. Not an ounce of fear in me,” I say, with memories of my time with Ava and our small stint on the streets and in shelters.

“So, you obviously took the offer.”

I smile, remembering the way Aria told me to take the offer, knowing her father is bossy. And I can’t deny he was being all protective and cute. And who doesn’t want that?

“Yeah, I let him win. I was tired from the week at work anyway.”

“Now tell me about this hot kiss.”

“I never said it was hot,” I tease her.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance