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Gracie:I did. I’m still in shock.

Marc:You deserve it.

Gracie:Thanks. Aren’t you sour because I’m the competition?

Marc:Not if you chose it. I’m so fucking proud.

Gracie:Oh, thank you.

Marc:Go work hard on the next part of the joint venture and see if your contribution wins again.

Gracie:I will. Game on, head down and ass up now.

I chuckle as I head back to my office.

Chapter 20


Icarryabasketaround the grocery store to pick up a few things for this weekend. Finding the candy aisle, I scan the shelves, looking for the right sweet treat.

I pick up the Reese’s cups and reach for Oreos.

“Oh, what a mix.” I turn to the sound of Marc’s voice, but my eyes widen when I see his daughter Aria standing beside him.

“Yeah. Ah. I don’t know which one to choose for the weekend,” I say, holding up the two bags.

“I say cups,” Marc says, but Aria is shaking her head.

“No, Oreos all the way.”

I smile. “That doesn’t help.”

“Why not get both?” Aria suggests.

“I think I will.” I put them both in my basket, and when I look back up, Marc’s smiling.

“Are you looking for candy too?” I ask them.

“Yeah, it’s movie weekend,” Marc says, knowing he’s explained it to me. “Aria, this is my friend, Gracie. Gracie, this is my daughter, Aria.”

I smile. “Nice to meet you, Aria. So, what candy goes with your movie weekend?” I ask, flicking my gaze between the two.

“I like Snickers,” Marc says.

“And I’m an M&M fan,” Aria says.

“What flavor M&M?” I ask.

“Just the original chocolate.”

“Good choice,” I add.

My gaze holds Marc’s for a beat and there is a shine to it. Clearly, he’s enjoying this exchange and surprisingly, I am too.

“I better check off the rest of my list, and leave you two to shop for the movie,” I say, shifting the basket in the opposite hand.

“Why don’t you join us? We are watchingThe Hunger Games, and I know you haven’t seen it,” Marc says.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance