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He runs his hand through his hair before cradling his drink again. Lifting it to his lips, he drains half the glass. His eyes flick up to me and he says, “My flight’s canceled.”

I wait, but nothing else comes. He’s rubbing his lip with his finger and staring at his phone, clearly upset. “Do you need any help?”

“Gracie!” a customer shouts, and I hate that I’m being interrupted. I want to help him even though I don’t even know how I could possibly do that. I just want to remove that stress from his face.

He stares at me and then looks away and then back at me. I smile softly in apology, and he offers one in return before looking at his phone once again as I’m pulled back to serve more customers.

A little bit later, his food is ready, so I bring it over, but his back is to me. He’s standing with his hand buried deep in his pocket, showing me his tight ass in his gray pants, his other clutching the phone to his ear.

I lower the food down carefully, trying not to make a noise. I want to hear his conversation and perv on him a little longer without him knowing.

“You need to find me a new flight. I must get home tonight.”

My brows knit. He can’t get home at all? And who’s at home waiting for him? I look at his left hand, but I don’t see a ring, but maybe there is a girlfriend.

My stomach hardens in disappointment. Of course, he would have someone. He’s handsome, intelligent, and he probably sees me in the way every other guy in here does.

But then why did he flirt with me all night if he had someone? There is something undeniable that’s shared between us. Surely, I haven’t been reading all the signals wrong? Hell,heasked me if I had a boyfriend. He instigated that, not me.

No, I shake my head. I’m not delusional.

Tonight, before he leaves, I’m going to find out if this is all a fantasy I’ve made up in my head, or something I should let myself indulge in…even just for the night.

Chapter 4


I’msippinganotherdrinkand by now the burn isn’t there, it’s numb.

I need to get home to my daughter and ex-wife for Christmas lunch, but I’m stuck here. I’m scrolling my phone, looking at every stupid motel around here, but either they have no vacancies, or the places look like bed bugs come as part of the room.

I’m at a loss about what to do.

Slumping over the counter, I rub my forehead and scroll until my phone dies. I squeeze my eyes tight.Fuck. Seriously?

My phone is dead and I’m in a bar far from home, with no place to sleep tonight. Taking a deep breath, I notice how quiet the bar is. I lower my phone and peer up to see there are only a few customers left.

“You have been here all night,” Gracie says with a cute smile. Her red lipstick has worn off and now her naturally pink lips are visible.

“Yeah, I sure have.” I can’t help but grin at her. I am welcoming her presence to cut through the bad mood I’ve found myself in.

“This is the longest you’ve ever been here.” Her face lights up in a mischievous look. That single look breaks through the dull headache that’s now forming behind my brow.

“Yeah, well, a flight cancellation and no rooms anywhere.” I bark out a laugh, even though it’s the least bit funny. “And to top it off…my phone just died.”

I lift the phone to show her a black screen.

She winces. “Ouch. Today isn’t your day, huh?”

I shake my head. “Nope, I pissed in someone’s Wheaties.”

She giggles, and it’s the lightest, prettiest sound. It makes me laugh along with her.

“Well, I have a charger you can borrow, but that won’t help your sleeping situation.”

“I’ll take what I can get. The charger would be great.”

She nods and retrieves the charger from a back room, bringing it over to me.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance