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“Good evening, what could I get you two to drink?” the server asks us.

He waits for me to order a wine, and then he orders a scotch on the rocks.

“Would you like something to eat?” he asks me.

I don’t want to have too much pressure to stay longer than I feel comfortable, but I’m starving, so I decide to grab a quick meal.

“Yeah, maybe a burger and fries? I don’t want to cook tonight.”

He peeks over his menu at me with a warm smile. “I remember you said you don’t like to cook.”

“I don’t,” I say, scrunching up my nose.

“I’ll have the same,” he says to the waitress and returns his gaze to me with a wink. I can’t help but twist my lips up into a smile.

The server repeats the order, takes our menus, and leaves us alone again.

“How was your day?” he asks, leaning back into the leather booth, his gaze focused on me.

“Busy, as I’m learning so much every day.”

Even though I’m busy, a day in the office is still better than a busy night at the bar. I don’t miss my old work. I’m definitely happier now.

He rests his elbows on the table, rubbing his jaw with his hand. “But do you like it?”

I have to rip my gaze from his jaw stroking, up to his blazing eyes to answer him. “I’m so grateful for the job. Nora and Mason and all the team are beyond nice. I’ve been welcomed graciously.”

“They are a good team. Even though I think mine is better,” he says with another wink, and it causes me to giggle.

“I heard you trying to poach Mason,” I tease, feeling like a weight has been lifted slightly. I still need to talk to him about…I suck in a breath, knowing I’m avoiding it because it will surely ruin this moment. The moments like this are what I remember from the bar when I first had a conversation with him. I felt relaxed, like myself, and desired. But sometime soon, I’ll be bursting the bubble and facing reality. For now, though, I want to hear his answer.

“I’ve even thought about buying the company because it’s got too many workers I want for myself.” He straightens in his chair, his tone serious, and my face falls as realization hits.

“You could buy it?” I choke out.

He chuckles darkly before narrowing his gaze at me. “I haven’t tried to yet. But I’m leaning toward it now.”

Shit, he has serious money. And the thought of him wanting me and doing anything to get me sends a shiver down my spine.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I ask, “How was your day?”

I hope he forgets about buying the company. I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate on work if he was around me all the time. Plus, how would I get treated if I slept with the boss? I bet they would think I was just some young girl sleeping her way to the top. Nobody would stop to find out the truth, rumors would be ruthless, and I’m strong, but that might push me. So yeah, working at a different company is the right decision. I need to focus on the next twelve months of my journey, not on him. I want to be self-sufficient and not to rely on a guy. Look what happens when you open your heart…it gets stood on.

His mouth drops open, and he tries to close it, but seems surprised by my question. “It—”

The waitress interrupts us to deliver our drinks. I smile and wait for her leave before focusing back on him and waiting for his answer.

“It was busy, but it always is.” He shrugs like that’s the normal thing to expect, but I wouldn’t know.

“What’s it like to run your own business?”

“You’re hitting me with a very unexpected question.” He takes a big sip of his amber liquid.

“Sorry, I’m just curious.”

“I get that. Um, well, it’s a hard question to answer on the spot, but if I had to say something off the top of my head, I’ll say exhausting, powerful, and rewarding.”

He grabs his glass and peers over the rim at me as he drinks, and when his Adam’s apple bobs, I feel it between my legs. I squeeze my thighs together to stop the ache and dip my chin, grabbing my wine and taking a big sip. He watches the way my throat moves when I swallow the liquid. And I can’t help but let my imagination go into the past. Liquid and our bodies seem to be a potent sexual mix.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance