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I take the warm coffee between my palms, welcoming the liquid in my dry throat. It’s a damn good brew. And I’m grateful for something to do with my hands, with the way my body is racked with nerves. The cup is saving me from leaving and running out of here.

Chapter 14


She’ssippinghercoffeeand avoiding looking at me. Again. Why?

Mason being here doesn’t help because it means I can’t talk to her. He’s still chatting away like friends, and yes, we are, but my stomach drops at the thought of her feeling left out. Since Mason doesn’t know we’ve met previously, I have to act like my brothers are all new information to her.

“I have three brothers, and two of them are twins,” I say to her. And it works. She turns to face me, offering me a warm smile.

“And you’re the oldest?” she asks, and I lean forward, excited this is getting her to face me and say more than two words to me.

“Yep, then Mateo.”

“Ah,” she says, sipping more of her coffee.

“Sounds like your life is never boring. It would have been great to have someone to grow up with,” she says,

“I agree. I’m an only child, and it sucked,” Mason says.

We laugh together, and the waitress interrupts to drop our lunch off, giving me a strange look before walking away.

Gracie begins to eat and some yellow mustard drops down the front of her clothes. She squeezes her eyes, and her lips move in a curse, causing me to smile. She’s so adorable. Grabbing the napkin, she tries to clean it, but it smears, making it worse. She huffs and puts the napkin on the table, shrugging before turning to eat again.

I can’t help myself. On instinct, I take my napkin and dip it into my water, then try to help clean it. When my hand hits her lap, I see she’s frozen still, only her thighs are shaking under my touch.

Her breathing is heavy, and when I finish cleaning it for her, she breathes a soft “Thanks.”

Sitting back, I put the napkin on the table and return to focus on Mason. Who’s looking between Gracie and me with a puzzled expression. I don’t want him to ask questions, so I change the topic to focus on him. “So, how’s your wife, Mase?” I ask. They’ve been together since they were teenagers, and they have always been close.

He beams at the mention of her. I lean back in the chair with relief as he speaks. “She’s great. Still teaching and loving it.”

“Oh, I’m glad,” I say.

“What year does she teach?” Gracie asks, and I’m trying to think, but I don’t actually remember.

“Grade one,” he answers.

“Oh, that would be tough,” Gracie says, and I have to agree with her there.

“She tells me she loves it, but I agree with you. It sounds awful.”

I check the time and see a couple of new urgent emails have popped through. I need to get back to the office and respond to them and make some calls. But I also want to spend more time talking to her. I’m stuck between two minds. But I have to put my business hat on.

“It was so nice to see you two. Thanks for letting me tag along, but I have to get back to work.”

I stand, carrying my second bag of lunch for the day. Looking down at her, she meets my gaze, and I offer a warm smile. She smiles but looks back down.

“We shouldn’t leave it so long to catch up next time,” Mason says.

“I agree. It’s so nice to see you again. And if you ever want a job, the offer always stands,” I say.

He shakes his head and grins. “You’re very persistent.”

“Always,” I say, leaving them and look over my shoulder one last time at her.

After seeing her yesterday, I’m more at ease going into the meeting. I’m prepared because I know she will be there, and I plan to talk to her afterward and find out why the sudden cold change?

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance