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I’m deep into reading the design spec sheet when Mason steps in my doorway, knocking. My gaze shifts to his, and he smiles, asking, “Are you ready?”

I stand and scoop the papers into a pile on my desk. “Yes.”

Grateful for the interruption, I hope he can help me understand this without being a burden.

“Let’s go into the boardroom. We have space to lay everything out and use the whiteboard. Tomorrow morning, we have a meeting with the client and the other company.”

I frown. “Other company?”

I’m assuming he means other colleagues, but the way he said it has me not so sure.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot you’re new for a second and this is not a regular job. Take a seat anywhere, and I’ll explain.”

“Thanks,” I say and pull out a black office chair from the brown wooden table, and as I sit, he sits beside me. We spin to face each other.

“So, this project will have two companies combined to produce the designs. It’s called a joint venture. It will take a lot of back and forth for every piece and sometimes underwear gets knotted and chests puff out, thinking theirs is better, but ultimately, they settle with the client and can produce some really innovative and cool builds.”

“Wow, I have never heard of this, even in my research, but I think they got the company name wrong. It had another company’s name beside it.”

He chuckles. “Yes, there is no error in the contract, but let’s run you through tomorrow’s first meeting. Because you will sit back and watch, and I’m sure it will be nice to understand what we are talking about.”

I smile broadly and dip my chin. “Definitely, and I’ll take some notes in case I need to ask you anything afterwards.”

He leans back in his chair. “Good thinking.”

“Well, the first thing to note is that there is always one speaker for each company. So, if anyone from our group has anything to say, they speak to me, and then I’ll ask or speak it during the meeting.”

“Does it get awkward when people don’t like the same things?”

“Not really. We get stubborn and set in our ways, to be honest. Because both groups think their vision is the best.”

He leans forward to spin and face the desk, so I follow. Then he runs me through more basics, and before I know it, we’re packing up and leaving for a break.

“Did you want to grab coffee?” Mason asks.

I figure I will be sitting and eating by myself in the break room, or I could join him. And he was fun to be around, so it’s an easy decision. “Coffee sounds great.”

“Oh, it seems I caught you two at the best time,” Nora says.

I look up and smile. “Hi, Nora.”

“How was it?”

“Really interesting. The two companies working together on a joint venture will be fun.”

“And a lot of testosterone,” she says and winks at me.

“Hey, we aren’t that bad,” Mason calls out from his office.

Grabbing my bag, I stand next to Nora, pinching my lips together to prevent a smile.

“We may do a little sparring to make a point, but it’s not the whole time.”

“Mm-hmm,” Nora says with a raised brow and an amused expression. Her arms fold over her chest.

Mason joins us in the hall, and we leave for the elevator together.

Inside, I stay quiet and just watch the floors light up, then on the ground floor we exit, and stroll to the nearest cafe. We place our orders quickly, find a spare table, and take a seat.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance