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I pause packing my clothes to sip my wine, welcoming the cold, fruity Moscato.

“I’m not. I promise. I’m just worried that it will be awful.”

I grab a salty chip and chew before answering her. “I’ll be fine, and remember, James helped me find it. Without him and his contacts, I’m sure I would have ended up in a dodgy area with a very average apartment.”

She mumbles her agreement and nods. “This is true.”

“I’m in a safe area. Close to work and the park.”

“Maybe you will take up running. I heard it’s good around Central Park.”

I snort. “Me and running sound like a disaster. I’ve never exercised a day in my life. Bar work was my cardio.”

“Maybe a walk, then. Meet some nice people,” she says with a tone that has me looking up to meet her gaze.

I shake my head with a laugh. “I’m not meeting a fitness freak in Central Park.”

“Come on,” she begs.


“Maybe a long walk?” she asks, and as I think about her suggestion, Marc’s text pops into my mind.

That’s the only person I want to meet on a walk, and soon I’ll be so close to him, our to-do list will be checked off.

“If I bump into Marc, maybe I’ll go for a walk, but definitely not a run.”

Talking about him causes a warmth to spread through my chest.

“Marc, the famous hookup.” She narrows her eyes at me, but the smirk on her face tells me she is happy.

“I wouldn’t say famous. But definitely a good time.” I don’t want her overthinking or getting ahead of herself like she will, so I downplay it a bit, even if it was the best sex of my life.

“Well, you better be walking with him. If he can make your face light up like that, then you need to find him. I want that look on you permanently.”

“What look?” I ask as I touch my face, trying to understand what’s telling all my secrets.

“That twinkle in your eye. You don’t have to say a word, and I know how you feel. Remember, I had that look when I first met Josh.”

I do remember the stupid look on her face, but it was also so adorable how smitten my tough friend was.

I finish the last drawer, zipping the case and picking up my wine. “Come on, let’s watch some trash TV before you have to leave.”

“Changing the subject, something else I was good at.”

I shake my head. “I’m not. There just isn’t anything else to say. I will keep you updated, I promise, but for now, I don’t have anything.”

I can’t tell her about the texts because they are too personal. They are just between him and me, not for anyone else. But I can’t help but smile at the thought of seeing him in New York soon and tackling our to-do list.

When she leaves, I’m not tired. If anything, I’m more wired and jittery with excitement. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of Marc since we spoke about him, so I want to respond to his text from earlier, before the moving craziness makes me forget.

Gracie:I have some exciting news to share. Guess who’s preparing to move? Me! I managed to score a traineeship, and it starts soon, so I’ve been organizing college and a new place. If I’m a little distant, don’t think it’s because I’m avoiding you.

I want to tell him I’m moving to New York, but would he think I’m following him? I don’t want to scare him or him think of me as a stalker. Simply an opportunity of a lifetime arose, and I took this as a sign.

So, for now, I think it’s best I wait.

Marc:Congratulations! I’m happy for you! And this would mean there’s no more bar work?

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance