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“Ican’tbelieveyou’rereally here,” I say, hugging Ava at the airport.

“I’ve missed you so much, and you weren’t coming to me.” She pulls out of my hug and gives me a dirty look.

I can’t help but laugh at how dramatic she is.

“I was for your baby shower,” I say, looking down at her beautiful bump covered by a white, long top. Her makeup still done perfectly, but her normally outdone hair is swept on top of her head in a bun.

I have missed her so much and I’m so glad she’s here.

“That’s not for a couple of months,” she argues. “But anyway, I’m here now.”

“You are. Where to first?” I ask, linking my arm through hers and walking in the direction of the car.

“Food. I’m getting nauseated. I eat every couple of hours to keep it at bay.”

I scrunch up my nose. “That sounds awful.”

She shrugs as if it’s not a big deal. “It’s not that bad.”

“You haven’t been in labor yet.”

“Yeah, but I’m asking for all the drugs if I need them.”

I laugh at her directness and no fucks given attitude. I do envy how she puts herself and her happiness first. “I have a feeling you won’t need them. Your pain tolerance is high.”

I think she has forgotten how I almost fainted in the room when she got her nipples pierced. I don’t think she needed me there because I did not help at all. I was pale and sweaty in the chair in the corner as I watched. And afterward, she asked if I wanted one. “Hell no,” was my response. I don’t care how good it feels, I have no desire to get them.

“But I’ve never had a baby before and a watermelon coming out of myyou know whatdoesn’t sound fun.”

I giggle, but the vision of a watermelon has horror dawning on me. “No, it sounds awful.”

We get inside the car Marc arranged and grab some takeaway.

My phone chimes, and I pull it out and see that it’s him.

Marc:Did your friend arrive okay?

Gracie:Yeah, she’s here with me now. We are picking up food.

Marc:Nice. Well, have fun and I’ll see you both soon.

Gracie:I can’t wait x

Marc:Me too,Bellax

Arriving at Marc’s house with Ava makes me feel stupidly giddy.

I hit the doorbell as she whispers, “His house is big and fancy, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s stunning,” I say, holding the food in my hands.

“Am I going to be asking Josh to upgrade my house?”

I shake my head, knowing how nice Joshua’s place is. “No, his house is big enough.”

“But it’s not big enough for more than one child.”

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance