Page 48 of The Best Intentions

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She had, it seemed, written this letter before his letter to her had arrived at Falstone Castle, informing her of his change in location.

That home is a special place. Lucas and I always wanted people to feel welcome there. It has done my heart good to see Charlie and Artemis continuing that tradition.

I also hope you have made friends amongst those joining you there. I know Charlie’s friends, and they are admirable gentlemen with just enough of a sense of adventure to offer you a bit of fun. The last two years have been too heavy for you, Scott. They have weighed you down, and I long to see the lighthearted Scott you used to be.

In addition to my hopes for your enjoyment of the houseparty, I am writing because I have news for you. I have written to Mr. Digby Layton. He is a dear friend, and his estate in Yorkshire is not terribly far from Thimbleby. He helped our Stanley and Marjie turn their struggling estate around. It is my hope he can do the same for you.

I am perfectly aware this was rather presumptuous of me, but mothers tend not to wait for permission to help their children.

Scott smiled to himself. Mater was a delight and a godsend.

He has written back and, much to my delight, has declared himself quite at your disposal. He has requested—and I should inform you that when Mr. Layton “requests” something, it is, in reality, more or less a command—that you write to him at Pledwick Manor and tell him when you will be at Thimbleby so that he can join you there and offer what help he is able.

His is an exceptionally large personality but also a very generous heart. He will offer ideas and will have a great many opinions, but he will not run roughshod over you.

Please take advantage of his offer. He is anticipating hearing from you, so do not feel that you are imposing by doing so. And please write back to me when you get the opportunity.

As always,

With all my love,

Yours, etc.,


Everyone ought to have someone like Mater in their life. She was generous and giving. Forceful when she needed to be. Ceaselessly loving.

Scott tucked her letter into his coat pocket. He would send her another letter to make certain she knew he had received hers.And he would write to Mr. Layton once he knew when he would be leaving Houghton Manor.

You can leave when you want to.

Maybe it would be best to do so sooner rather than later.

The new arrivals had been gathered in the drawing room, laughing and gabbing, for more than two hours. Scott didn’t seem as if he meant to run off immediately, which soothed Gillian’s battered heart a bit. He’d even smiled at her once. It wasn’t the same as the banter they’d exchanged or as pleasant as the moments when he’d held her hand or put his arms around her . . . or kissed her. But at least they weren’t going to part on bad terms.

Dr. Lowry slipped into the room and motioned for her to join him in the corridor. She did so without hesitation.

“Is something the matter with Mrs. Brownlow?” she asked.

“She was feeling particularly tired, so Mr. Walker sent for me.”

Why hadn’t her father sent forher?

“But I do not think there is reason for significant worry,” the doctor said. “Her body is reminding her how terribly ill she was only a few days ago. A bit of extra rest will see her set to rights.”

“Is there anything else that ought to be done for her?”

“A visitor or two when she is rested. Not everyone all at once though.” He glanced in the direction of the drawing room.

“I will make certain of that.” Gillian would not allow Mrs. Brownlow to be overset. “Will she survive this illness?” Now that she’d asked the question, she was almost afraid of the answer. But she needed to know.

“I predict she will be with you for many years to come.”

To her horror, Gillian felt tears well up in her eyes. She would have expected to cry only if the doctor had made the opposite declaration. To be reduced to tears by good news was yet another humiliation that day.

Quite without warning, a hand slipped gently around hers. She didn’t even have to look.Lavender and citrus.She knew it was Scott who had arrived silently at her side. He gave her a handkerchief, which she put to use without letting go of his hand.

“Is there anythingIcan do for Mrs. Brownlow?” Scott asked the doctor.

Tags: Sarah M. Eden Historical