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“What? Did you come here to break up with me again?” My heart rate picks up and my palms become clammy, because the last thing I want is for this crap to tear us apart again because I don’t know how to handle it. “Seriously, Bryce, if you don’t want to be with me, then just fucking say so. Stop using other people’s opinions about me as an excuse!” Her voice is angry, but the slight wobble in it, paired with her glassy eyes tells me that she’s hurt more than anything. My mother and Juliet are both looking at me with looks of disappointment, and I refuse to let them believe this. I’m not going through this again. I won’t let Morgan go. Not this time.

“No, babe. I am not breaking up with you, not now and not ever.” I wish my words had more of an effect on her, but they don’t. She’s still looking at me with a mix of frustration and anger.

I walk around to the other side of the kitchen and take her hands in mine. She’s resistant at first, but I keep tugging until she walks closer to me and I’m able to pull her a couple feet away from my mother and sister. I don’t care that her hands are dirty, or that she’s covered in flour. All I care about is her, and making sure we’re okay.

“I don’t care what anyone else says. I love you so damn much, I’m never letting anything come between us again.” She lets out a soft breath and I watch as her body visibly relaxes.

“You’re not embarrassed?”

“Why the hell would I be embarrassed? You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, and if those moronic reporters refuse to see that just so they can get views on a bullshit story, then that’s on them.”

She nods her head a couple times, but I’m not convinced that she fully believes me. I pull her body against mine and wrap my hand around the back of her neck. When I lean down and capture her mouth with mine, I’m relieved that she easily gives in, kissing me back with enthusiasm. I hear Jules and my mom shuffling around the kitchen, which snaps me out of my daze.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper the words against her lips and feel the way she smiles back at me.

“I forgive you,” she says before kissing me again. “This time.”



Igroan out loud at the sudden noise filtering into the bedroom. I have no idea what time it is, but Bryce and I didn’t fall asleep until almost three in the morning after our fifth -or maybe it was sixth?- round of sex. Once we got back from his parents, I don’t think he managed to keep his hands off of me for more than thirty seconds at a time. Not that I’m complaining.

I stretch out on the bed, enjoying the soreness of my body. A reminder of last night and the promises Bryce and I made to each other. When he got to his parents house yesterday, and I saw the way his face paled when he realized Jules and I were reading that ridiculous article, I thought for sure we were going to end up having a repeat of last year. But to my surprise, that’s not what happened at all. He kept saying that he’s not letting me go, that he won’t let anything or anyone ruin us again. What’s even more surprising to me, is the fact that I believe him.

I sit up in bed and take a moment to gather my bearings, listening carefully to the noise that’s coming from the living room and hallway.Christmas music.

I shouldn’t be all that surprised since I know how much Bryce loves Christmas. Hell, I know how much the entire Richardson family loves Christmas. They also all know how much Idon’tlike Christmas. Though Bryce kept insisting last night that he was going to change my mind. When I told him it probably wouldn’t be possible to do that, he definitely took it as a challenge. I have no doubt that whatever is happening right now is a part of his plan.

I reluctantly climb out of bed, not bothering to put any other clothes on. I’m only wearing one of Bryce’s t-shirts over a pair of simple cotton panties, but it’s not like we have plans to go anywhere. At least not until we go have lunch with his family.

I make my way to the kitchen, where the music is actually coming from, and find Bryce cooking something at the stove. His back is facing me, so I take a moment to just watch him. I admire the way his back muscles ripple with every move he makes, and the way his ass flexes when he reaches over for something.Damn, he is sexy.

“Good morning,” I finally say after I allow myself a couple more minutes to stare.

He turns around, giving me a bright smile. “Merry Christmas!”

He immediately puts down the spatula he was holding and walks over to me, gathering me in his arms and kissing me with the same passion he’s had all night. “I hope you’re hungry.”

A few hours later,we’re getting ready to go over to his parent’s house for lunch and I’m in the bathroom finishing up my hair and make-up.

“Hey babe?” I hear Bryce call from the living. “Will you come out here when you have a second?”

“Be there in a sec!” Something about the simple domesticity of this whole situation has me smiling. It’s not like I’ve moved in with him or anything yet, but the easy routine we’ve managed to fall into and the comfortable way we are with each other, tells me that it’s only a matter of time before we take that step.

Once I’m finished getting ready, I walk out to the living and I stop dead in my tracks at what I find. All the lights are turned off and the blinds are closed, letting only a small amount of sunlight into the apartment. The lights on the Christmas tree are bright and colorful, turning it into a beacon in the dark. Bryce is standing next to it with the sweetest smile on his face. He’s dressed in a pair of distressed jeans and dark green button up shirt that fits over his arms and shoulders deliciously.

“What’s going on?” I can hear the way my voice has dropped a couple of octaves and my heart begins to beat wildly in my chest.

Bryce holds out his hand for me, and hesitantly, I step forward and take it.

“Morgan, I love you. I’ve loved you for so long now, I’m not even sure if I remember a time that I didn’t.” He stops for a moment, his throat bobbing as he swallows. “Last Christmas, I broke your heart. For the past year, I’ve been living with that pain and regret everyday. But this year, I vowed to make you love Christmas again.” He keeps hold of my hand as he slowly drops down to one knee. He uses his free hand to grab something from underneath the tree as he continues to talk. “I promise, from this moment on, I will do nothing but love and cherish you, and show you how absolutely amazing I think you are.” He pulls his hand away, and even through my glassy eyes, I can make out the shape of a ring box. When he flips the top up, I let out a loud gasp. The ring is beautiful. A vintage inspired rose gold ring with a large black diamond centered inside a halo of white diamonds. It’s without a doubt exactly what I would have picked out for myself and I’m not at all surprised that Bryce knew that.

“Morgan, will you please spend every Christmas with me for the rest of our lives?” It takes him a few tries to get the full question out since emotion begins to clog his throat and his voice breaks a couple of times. Tears are officially streaming down my face, and at first all I can do is nod.

“Yes!” He gives me a blinding smile as he slides the ring on my finger before standing and giving me the best kiss of my life.

If you had told me just a few months ago if I would be standing next to a bright Christmas tree kissing my fiancé, I would have thought you were crazy. I would have told you that was impossible and there was nothing in the world that could make me love Christmas.

Of course I should have known that if anyone could make me change my mind, it would be this man right here, holding me in his arms and kissing me until I have no breath left in me.

The best Christmas gift I could have ever asked for.

Bryce Richardson.

My fiancé.

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Tags: J.J. Grice Romance