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“Theo,” I state. It comes out all clunky, but thankfully, he doesn’t say anything about it. I’m still not used to talking to other people.

“Alister, how are things going? I wanted to check up on you and your girl, but I couldn’t reach you the last few days.”

My lips pull into a cheesy grin, one I can’t seem to keep off my face this morning.My girl.

My old army buddy, Theo, recently found his happily ever after with his best friend’s little sister, Emmaline. I called him the day after Delaney washed up on shore, unsure of what to do with her. Theo was always a charmer. He’s outgoing and friendly, and while I’ve never envied that before, I certainly wish I had more of his charisma now.

When I called to ask him how to get Delaney to talk to me and tell me about her past, he suggested I cook a meal for her and try asking about things other than her past. I haven’t gotten around to that yet. We sort of skipped right over that conversation and went straight to a physical relationship.

Shit. I need to do better.I don’t just want Delaney’s body, I want her heart and soul. Her secrets and sorrow. Her beauty and pain.

“Hello?” Theo asks.

“Hey, yeah, sorry about that. Weather out here has been unpredictable lately.”

“So, is your girl still with you?”

I don’t bother correcting him aboutmy girlthis time. Last time we talked, I wasn’t ready to admit how important the little siren had become to me in such a short period of time. Now? Well, now I know my life’s purpose is to protect and support my sweet Delaney.

“Yeah,” I respond, taking a few steps toward the balcony of the lighthouse. “She’s… incredible,” I admit.

“Congrats, man. I mean it. Did you find out what happened to her?”

“Ah, no, not exactly. I’m still working on it. She’s been… distracting.”

Theo chuckles. “I know what that’s like. What’s your plan?”


“To keep her? Or… I didn’t take you for a one-night stand kind of guy–”

“I’mnot,” I growl, wanting to set the record straight.

“Right, right,” he mumbles. “Exactly. Have you talked to her about dating?”

“Dating?” I know I’m just repeating him like an idiotic parrot, but I’m sincerely lost here. “Not many venues on my island to take a beautiful woman on a date.”

“Then is she moving in right away? I mean, she’s already been staying with you.”

“That’s a little fast, don’t you think?” Truthfully, I’d love for Delaney to stay with me forever, but it’s too soon to make statements like that. I don’t even know what life she left behind, let alone how to plan for a future.

“Nah,” Theo answers easily. “When you know, you know. Like with my Emmaline. No matter the stakes, I wanted to be with her. Needed it.”

“Yeah,” I grunt in agreement. I get it. I need my woman, too, but I don’t want to scare her away. “First, I need to figure out what she’s running from. Then I’ll convince her to stay with me. Or we can move. Maybe she wants to go out West, or hell, to another country,” I muse, more to myself than to Theo.

“That’s the spirit,” he says with a chuckle. “Keep me posted. Maybe you should give Emmitt a call,” he suggests, mentioning one of our buddies from the military. “I hear he’s on leave and is checking out his old family ranch. He’s got a lot of land and is looking for some help.”

“I’m no rancher.”

“It’s hard work, but I know you’d be up for it. Just a thought, if you two want to start over somewhere new.”

I hum and nod, considering his words. I like the idea of building a new life with Delaney.

We say our goodbyes, and I promise to call when I can. It’s been years since I’ve chatted with anyone, let alone old military friends. Usually, it just brings back memories of my last deployment, and more specifically, what I came home to when all was said and done.

Checking my watch, I see it’s just past noon. Delaney insisted on cleaning the kitchen this morning and said she’d have lunch ready for me by twelve-thirty. She’s such a thoughtful partner, the kind I always envisioned myself with. That is, when I allowed myself to have such dreams.

I head down to the loft on the lower level of the lighthouse, stopping by the restroom to clean up for lunch. When I step into the kitchen, I’m greeted with the most perfect sight. Delaney is in another of my shirts, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Muted light comes in from the window, casting soft shadows over her delicate features.

Tags: Cameron Hart Romance