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Igaze across the gray, choppy waters, noting how far away the nearest shoreline is. Miles and miles, Alister told me. I’m thankful for each one. I know I’ll have to come up with a more permanent life plan sooner or later, but staying here with Alister is starting to feel natural. Easy. Perfect.

Today marks day four of my tenure at the lighthouse. Another storm came and went yesterday and this morning, Alister got up early to check everything and clear up debris. I volunteered to help, and even though the stubborn giant insisted I needed to rest, I managed to get him to agree to an hour of outdoor time.

He’s been keeping an eye on me the last half an hour as if he thinks I’m going to suddenly collapse. It’s sweet, but I’m not sure how to handle this level of care and attention. I won’t lie, it makes me feel all warm inside like I’m seen, understood, and cherished. It’s a dangerous thing to want, and a scary thing to get used to. Will I ever find anyone else who looks at me the way Alister does?

The breeze picks up, and I snuggle deeper into the fleece-lined coat Alister gave me this morning. It’s huge on me, and I love it. I’m surrounded by his spicy, sea salt scent, and it’s taking quite a bit of effort not to huff it in like a weirdo.

I can’t help it, though. Everything about the lumbering lighthouse keeper comforts me. Even his unpracticed smiles and grunted words. I don’t think Alister has had company, let alone a roommate, in quite some time. I know for a fact he hasn’t had fun or laughed in way too long. I want to give that to him, bring his light back.

“How’s it looking over there?” Alister calls out, ripping me away from my thoughts.

“All clear!” I answer, taking one last look across the shoreline for any branches we missed while cleaning up.

Turning back toward the lighthouse, I see Alister standing tall, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares at me. The first few days I was with him, I thought he was annoyed or frustrated with me when he looked at me like that. But now, I have a sneaking suspicion it’s a possessive look.

Or at least that’s what I’ve been fantasizing about these last several nights. I’ve been able to keep my surprisingly dirty thoughts to myself during the day, but they’ve infiltrated my dreams. As soon as I close my eyes, I picture Alister joining me in bed, climbing over me, surrounding me with strength and certainty. He kisses me, soft and slow at first, and then something in him snaps. I dream about devastating, toe-curling, soul-shifting kisses from the reclusive Greek god of a man who sleeps on the floor next to me. And all this from the mind of someone who has little to no experience with the opposite sex.

It’s confusing and exhilarating, but I’m sure my affections are misplaced. Alister is the first man to treat me with any level of respect, but that doesn’t mean he’s in love with me. He said it himself, he would have helped out anyone who washed up onshore.

Alister is a good person, though I don’t think he sees himself that way. He’s hiding something, just like me. The difference is, I don’t think his secrets will endanger anyone’s life.

“You cold?” Alister asks when I’m a few feet away from him. Before I even answer, he’s taking his hat off and putting it on my head, rolling up the edge so it doesn’t cover my eyes.

I smile at his thoughtfulness, delighted when his lip twitches and his chocolate brown eyes light up with a caramel swirl.

“How do I look?” I ask, turning my head from side to side.

When my gaze lands back on Alister, I can’t quite read the look on his face. My cheeks heat, despite the cool wind and damp air.Why did I say that? What was I expecting him to say?

“Stunning,” Alister murmurs.

I blink a few times, not sure I heard him correctly. He tips his head back and runs a hand through his hair as if he’s feeling awkward or embarrassed. Around me? It’s kind of… adorable.

“Thanks,” I say with a smile. “It’s the latest nautical fashion trend. I think it pairs perfectly with the oversized jacket and boats for shoes,” I tease, lifting a foot to show him what I mean. Alister lent me an old pair of boots, which of course were ten sizes too big.

“Is that so?” Alister asks, amusement lacing his words. He lifts a dark eyebrow at me, giving me an almost playful look.

Good god, he’s too sexy when he does that. I’ll be seeing that little grin in my dreams tonight. “Mmhm,” I nod, twirling to add the right effect.

My feet slip in my shoes, and I stumble off-balance, jerking forward to keep from falling off the edge of the overhang. Alister grabs my hand and pulls me toward him, spinning me and dipping me as if we’re ballroom dancers.

I peer into those deep brown eyes, breathing in everything about him, about this moment. Alister spreads one hand out over my lower back, his other hand supporting me between my shoulder blades.

“Good catch,” I whisper, giving him a soft smile.

Alister doesn’t waiver, doesn’t even blink as his eyes lock onto mine. He’s digging around in my chest, opening up my heart, and settling deep down in my soul. There’s no other way to describe it.

The air stills around us, and I’m not sure if it’s our connection or the weather, but the atmosphere shifts, turning purple and fuzzy at the edges. I can’t look away. This man is baring himself to me in a single look. I don’t need his words when I canfeelthe intensity of his emotions.

Alister is impenetrable to everyone except me. His brow furrows, and I know he feels it, too. Confusion eventually turns to acceptance. He holds me, suspended in his grip as the last of his defenses fade away.

Somewhere in the distance, a brilliant light flashes in the sky, followed by rolling thunder threatening to tear the heavens in two. But none of that matters at this moment.

Alister’s breath tickles my skin, his nose brushing against mine. He pauses, searching my eyes for any sign of discomfort. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling the beautifully rugged man closer. Our lips touch as the sky cracks open, drenching us in seconds.

Alister doesn’t stop. He angles his head, slanting his mouth over mine as he goes for a deeper kiss. I open up for him, tasting sweet rainwater on his tongue. Alister groans, tightening his hold on me as he fuses our lips together.

Tags: Cameron Hart Romance