Page 11 of Bombshell Brides

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Outside, the heat hits like a brick wall. The air shimmers and it smells like baking tarmac. “Over here.” I tug Effie along the sidewalk, keeping to the tiny patches of shade, sheltering in my sunglasses from all the bright light and shiny glass and chrome.

A short way along, the buildings give way to a courtyard, a fountain hissing as it shoots an endless stream of water at the blue sky, and I lead her over to the squat stone fountain wall.

A cool mist hangs in the air. The temperature’s lower here, and the air is fresh.

“Oooh,” Effie coos, plopping down onto the wall and kicking off her sandals. She wriggles her bare toes against the paving stones, the nails painted bright yellow. “An oasis in the desert. Very nice.”

Her sunglasses are pushed back, resting on top of her wild hair, and her pale blue dress flutters against her thighs. She smiles up at me expectantly. Waiting for her kiss.

It wouldn’t mean anything.

I rub my jaw, temples throbbing. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

Effie tugs at the hem of my shirt until I sit down at her side, her toffee eyes crinkling in amusement. “I won’t report you to HR, Mr Coltrane, I swear. And I snagged a breath mint after we ate those fries.”

That is not what I’m worried about here. I shift against the cool stone wall. “Effie…”

But the breeze tugs at her dark hair. Fuck, she’s so beautiful it makes me ache, and I’m reaching for her, grazing my thumb over her cheekbone before I can think straight.

Her lips part as I cup the side of her face.

I lean closer. She makes a tiny noise.


Heat roars through me, smoldering my insides into dust. Our lips brush once, twice, three times, and it’s the smallest touch but I’m on fire. I’m burning to ashes.


Slender hands grip my t-shirt. Effie tilts her head, her tongue nudging mine, and I feel—

The bare skin of her stomach under my mouth, tequila dripping down my chin.

Nails scoring down my back, her body arching against mine as we huddle in a dark corner, pressed together against a wall.

My assistant’s breath on my neck.

Her laughter ringing in my ears.

Her lips trailing kisses down my bare stomach as I stretch out on her hotel bed, her hair dragging over my heated skin–

“Effie.” I grip her shoulders and hold her away from me, gasping for breath. “Fuck. Effie.”

“Did it work?” She beams at me, delighted. “Oh my god, it worked! You remember something, don’t you? Man, I’m such a genius.”

Besides the blush on her cheeks, you’d never know what we were just doing. She’s unaffected. We might as well have been chatting about the weather, not turning me inside out with a single kiss.


I’m screwed. How do I tell her aboutthat? The things I remembered. How do I deal with any of this?

“So not fair.” Effie’s pouting, and I tear my gaze away from her plump mouth. I stare at the water raining into the fountain instead, sunshine sparkling on the droplets. “I didn’t get anything. Hey, let’s try again—”

“No.” I lurch off the wall before she can touch me, looking anywhere except her hurt expression. “Once was enough.”

And god, I’m an ass. I know I am. Because bright, bubbly Effie wilts in front of my eyes, wrapping her arms around her waist and turning away. And I know she probably thinks that I didn’t like it, that I’m insulting her, but the truth is if I kiss her again, I might never stop.

I’m her boss. And I… we…

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance