Page 21 of Mistletoe Mobster

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Well… yeah. I guess so.

And I’m running out of reasons to stall, which is so nuts, because I want this so badly my bones ache, and yet if I get it wrong… if I’m not what he’s expecting…

I want so badly to be worth it. Nico is already everything I’ve dreamed of.

Except the destruction of my bookshop, I guess—but hey. Everyone has flaws.

“You’re already perfect.” Nico kisses the inside of my knee, inhaling the scent of my warm skin. He shifts closer, flipping my sleep shirt up my thighs. “Sweet and soft and so pretty when you blush. You gonna make those little noises for me again, baby? Fuck, you’re already slick and shining. How long have you been aching for me?”

Forever. Whole ages of the earth.

“Since the first night I met you. Since I knelt beside you in my shop.”

Nico growls, nipping the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh. A broad fingertip traces along my seam. “I remember. We’re gonna recreate that night sometime soon, bella. You on your pretty knees, fussing over my body, yanking at my belt. Sucking on my cock, nice and greedy. Kissing it better.”

Hang on. “I never sucked—”

“You would have.” He sounds so sure, rubbing his bristly stubble against my thigh and touching me firmer now. Delving between my folds. “If Raul hadn’t come in, you would have.”

Ugh. Is he right about that? Nico had a freaking stab wound, but… maybe. Ididwant him already back then, and there was something special about the connection sparking between us. Something that felt like fate.

Either way, the thought of it has me arching on the bed, cheeks hot and fingers scrabbling against the sheets. He’s only got one fingertip on me, skating through my wetness and circling my clit, but it’s enough to steal the breath from my lungs.

Never been this flushed and desperate. Neverneededso badly in my life. And Nico’s right—all the drama and danger and power plays with Santo De Rossi, it’s all faded away to a low hum. Nothing matters in this moment except Nico’s teeth nipping my leg, his thumb swiping over my clit as he pushes one finger inside me. The delicious stretch and burn; the way my hips rock up, automatic.

“Yeah, that’s it.” The mobster’s deep voice is ragged. “Show me you like it, baby. Show me you want me too.” A flick of his wrist, and that finger pumps deeper.

Uh, of course I want him too. Is that really in doubt? I want to ask but Nico’s taking me apart with his hands, his tongue sliding between my folds. His breath is hot on my aching flesh, his teeth sharp wherever they nip, and he may not be gentle but heisperfect.

He’s mine, too. This goes both ways, and I want to reassure him—and stake a claim.

Nico grunts, surprised, when I grab a fistful of his hair. I push him harder against my pussy, hips rising to ride his face. “You’re mine, Nico Falasca. No one else’s. Even your mob boss will play second fiddle, and don’t you forget it.”

The words take even me by surprise, they’re so vehement, but Nico snarls his approval and plunges his tongue inside my pussy. Licks me from the inside out.

I groan, head grinding back against the mattress as I squeeze my own tits, and I’m lost. Nothing but a bundle of heat and instincts and sparking nerves, my body arching and falling in a wave. I shove my sleep shirt up to my neck, plucking and twisting my nipples, and I’m squeezing his head with my knees, making such low, desperate noises—

Nico sucks on my clit, fingers crooking inside me.

I go up in flames.

It’s an inferno roaring through me, scorching my insides, and all I can do is gasp and shudder as Nico keeps licking. My thigh muscles twitch and my stomach clenches and god.God.

Is it always like this?

No time to ask, because as soon as my moans subside, Nico rises above me, expression stark, and yanks at his belt. He doesn’t even bother to undress, just draws out his cock and strokes it once, rubbing his thumb over the head. It looks angry, flushed and red. So hard it must hurt.

“You gonna let me in there, baby?”

God yes. Can’t speak yet but I nod, and even that tiny movement is clumsy.

Nico exhales sharply, then crawls over me, his body so broad and strong. He reaches between us to line up with my entrance, the fabric of his shirt brushing against the bare skin of my body.

And I’m all gooey and loose-limbed, still floating down from my high, marveling at how good it feels to be pinned beneath him. It takes two tries to make my arms work, but I wind them around Nico’s neck.

His shirt collar scrapes against my forearms. Next time, I’ll get him naked, I swear.

“Do it.” I lick a patch of bare skin on his neck. “Fuck me.”

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance